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Chaos with a capital C...

Chaos A-GoGo opens on Soi LK Metro

Link Here30th September 2017
Chaos with a  'C' has opened on Soi LK Metro on 28th September 2017. There is already a Kaos with a 'K' on the same Soi. The new Chaos has opened at the venue that was previously Kiss A-GoGo.

So there are now 76 bars around the Pattaya area self identifying as GoGos.



In the Nature of Soi 6...

Pattaya bar news

Link Here27th September 2017

After half a year and a name change (from Nature Club) Nature Bar has finally opened on Soi 6, where Working Girl A-GoGo used to be. As it was deserted, I was not interested in spending time and money there.

On Soi LK Metro Chaos A-GoGo on the previous location of Kiss A-GoGo has not opened (yet).

At the latest location of the Italian restaurant L' Italiano, opposite Miami/ex Alcatraz, the banner for a Marilyn Monroe A-GoGo has long gone.

On Soi Khao Noi Soi 9 Dusk Till Dawn has gone dark.

On Walking Street Rock Street has reopened, noisier than ever.



A good tip that the lady riders may prove the best bet...

Pattaya Bar Reviews: Snippets and Pook 2

Link Here 23rd September 2017

Snippets Sports Bar & Cafe is a single unit next to Scooters Bar on Soi LK Metro and opened 10 days ago. Everything new inside with a horse racing theme. One side is glass with a door onto the passage to the Metropole Apartments, the other wall has horse racing photo's. 2 big screen TV's, one with Aussie horse racing and the other with pop music video's at a reasonable sound level.

Singha B70. about 5 girls working and no hassle from them. It's owned by an Aussie guy who used to be a jockey.

Pook 2

The Pook Swan House P32 Bistro & Bar on Soi Buakhao have taken over the single unit between themselves and Scooters and called it Pook 2 Bar. I didn't go in because it was staffed by ladyboys as was the old Pook bar. Looks like the owners now want the best of both worlds.



New strips...

Bar and GoGo news

Link Here22nd September 2017
Pacha A-GoGo was a plush looking GoGo development by the French group behind Mandarin, Lighthouse, Fahrenheit and many others. It never actually opened with commentators suggesting that there is no moratorium on new GoGos on the sea side of Walking Street. The building has now posted a large for sale sign so that seems to be the end of the project.

On Soi 6 there has been a re-jig to the Beach Road end. Dusk Till Dawn Bar has become MJ Kitty Girl Bar . Mandarin next door has closed and the girls have moved to MJ Kitty Girl Bar.

Meanwhile on Soi 15 off Walking Street The Dollhouse has opened what it calls the XXX VIP Lounge. This seems to be an idea to combine a GoGo with a western style strip bar, hopefully being able to be a bit more raunchy than most western countries allow.



Super pastie...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Yes

Link Here21st September 2017

On Soi Diamond, at the previous location of Super Baby A-GoGo, Yes A-GoGo has opened.

When I arrived, the second night of their existence, I was greeted by a disgusting cigarette smoke stench.

The interior has been completely refurbished, but the central stage looks like a clone of the Super Baby stage, be it without the metal swing.

The jacuzzi in the back and the small round stages have disappeared, but there is a smaller stage now right of the entrance.

Yes A-GoGo looks more spacious than Super Baby A-GoGo did, but this effect is probably due to all walls being completely covered with mirrors.

The dancers were going on stage in teams and stayed at the same place for their complete dance stint of 15-20 minutes.

There were two teams of about ten double-topped end double-bottomed coyotes each, clad in white. There was also a team of about fifteen dancers in diverse and mostly too big white string bikinis and white stay-up stockings, who, when they took off their bras on stage, appeared to have covered their nipples with lip-shaped pasties, not a nice sight.

I saw a lot of fat bellies and saggy bodies and also several ridiculous silicone balloons.

Some bikini girls were hawking shots at 150 baht and the waiters were constantly checking if the beer bottles were still full.

There were on average about a dozen customers.

There were no price lists available and nobody seemed to buy lady drinks.

The crappy music was way too loud and the air conditioning way too cold.

Nobody stayed long.

Unisex toilets.

On a positive note: even small change was returned spontaneously.

Draught beer 75 baht, bottled Heineken 175 baht, a bit over the top.



That'll be a loud no then...

Saturday night on the town

Link Here18th September 2017

A lot of people must be reading your Blog, Peppermint was very lively on Saturday night, with a lot girls and Punters having a good time.

Crazy House was full to the Rafters, lots of attractive Girls some Topless or Naked.

I looked in the new place ' Yes ' on Soi Diamond, I won't call it an a-go-go as it was full of Coyote Dancers. There was extremely bright lighting and very loud music. I turned straight round and walked out.

I Followed into the Sapphire Club , with more subdued lighting and quieter music. Iit was very busy, with Sexy Girls wearing Stocking's, Suspender belts and G-strings. Which personally I find very Arousing. No overdressed fat Coyote Dancers here.




Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Skyfall

Link Here17th September 2017

I popped into Skyfall A-GoGo on Walking Street on Friday evening, it was a mostly forgettable experience,

The Topless Dancers were on when I came in. There were some nice looking Girls. One Girl with Silicone Tit's needed a man with a red flag, to walk in front of her as a warning of a heavy load.

When the Coyote Dancers came on, they were over-dressed and mostly overweight. A definite step backwards from my previous visit.

Sweet hearts and Sapphire Club prove that Coyote Dancers can be very Sexy but here, they were very Boring, like most places.

There was a very Ugly and Fat, Tomboy waitress standing in my Eyeline, so I drank up and left.



Positive news...

Yes A-GoGo opens on Soi Diamond

Link Here16th September 2017
Yes A-GoGo opened on 15th September on Soi Diamond. The venue was previously Super Baby A-GoGo.

The new bar has a Happy Hour running until 10pm when draught beer and house spirits are 60 Baht.

There are now 75 GoGo operating around Pattaya.



For a few Baht more...

Government increases drink taxes

Link Here16th September 2017
A series of impossible to understand announcements from the Thai government had drinkers and smokers very worried about today's reworked sin taxes. The government provided very alarming numbers about tax rises without specifying the entire equation.

However the tax rises have now been announced and it seems that drinks will rise somewhat more modestly than was feared.

Taxes have risen most for imported wine which will now cost abut 100 Baht more than yesterday.

Beers as have been hit by about 2 or 3 Baht a bottle whilst bottles of spirits have risen by up to 30 Baht depending on price. Cigarette tax has been increased by up to 15 Baht.

These price increases have been reported at retail stores rather than bars. It is not yet clear how the tax increases will map onto more expensive prices in bars and GoGos.



Commented: Flap flops and big tops...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Lighthouse and Sapphire Club

Link Here13th September 2017

Flap flops at Lighthouse

I popped into The Lighthouse on Walking Street on Friday night. Some lovely girls on show. There were about 10 Coyote Dancers who danced for 30 minutes.

The music was very loud and Boring, there was no interaction between girls and punters.

Then the Girls in Black fishnet underwear came on, again the girls were very pretty and showing a lot of flesh. Several girls had a total body covering of black fishnet with no other underwear. One girl had a cat flap, showing a very nice pussy. Unfortunately their dance only lasted 10 minutes and then back to the endless Coyote Dancers and loud music.

With a little tweaking it could be a very good a-go-go but I don't think it will happen.

At the moment it's a complete Flop despite the beautiful girls.

Big tops and big tops at Sapphire

I think Dick Farang must have gone into Misty's by mistake, calling Sapphire Club a dark shithole and the Girls mediocre.

I popped in on Saturday around midnight. It was very nearly full. Everyone was having a great time. There was a very good atmosphere, with the bell being rung several times.,

The Girls are very friendly and sexy. Yes they wear big tops but there are a lot of busty girls with cleavage on show and plenty of beautiful Bums to look at.

Comment: Censored whilst claiming to be uncensored

From Dick Farang

To answer Dave's question:

No, I did not confuse Sapphire Club with their neighbour Club Mistys.

And no, I am not a Member of the Sapphire Addicts Club.

And no, I am not really interested to know if a gogo (or any venue for that reason) is British owned, Irish owned, Australian owned, Thai owned, Thai-Chinese owned or whatever.



Updated: Sweethearts...

Pattaya Bar Reviews: Duangjai Bars

Link Here12th September 2017
New on Soi Lengkee

Pretty sure it is where the the old Monkey Club 1 was has now opened as Duangjai Bar . Still a single unit.

Looks newly decorated. Pool table. 5 half decent girls working but I couldn't make up my mind about 2 of them, very tall but no hassle from them. Singha B70. I

 was the only customer at 8.30pm but after about 15 minutes a motorbike pulled up outside and 2 girls rushed in. One of them rang the bell so drinks all round and after a couple of minutes of Thai screaming and shouting and laughing they jumped back on the motorbike, drinks in hand and left.

Update: Duangjai Bar also on Soi LK Metro

12th September 2017 Thanks to Malcolm

Duangjai Bar is also next to The Cave on Soi LK Metro. Same name as the one I found on Soi Lengkee a couple of days ago. Must be connected. The logos on the signs are the same but in reverse. Didn't venture in because of the ladyboys sat outside which might confirm my doubts about 2 of the girls on the Soi Lengkee bar.




Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Crazy House

Link Here10th September 2017

I popped into Crazy House on Walking Street on Friday night, it was a pleasant experience,

There were mostly Coyote Dancers, with very short Ra-Ra Skirts showing plenty of Bum, and very small tops. There were 4 or 5 naked dancers on a central stage and a few topless dancers.

There were some very attractive and friendly Girls,

Well worth a visit.



Anny, KB, Tipsy...

An update from Soi Chayaphun

Link Here9th September 2017

Only 4 months since I was last here but a few changes on Soi Chayaphun

In darkness:

  • Dick Inn
  • Balls bar
  • Orange Bar


  • Morning Star


  • Anny Bar

    Single unit. about 6 decent girls working, one of which tried her best with me. Music was very loud. Singha a whopping B95. I think the new owner has forgot which Soi he's on when he did the price list. Only had the one
  • KB Sports Bar

    Double unit. Also advertises massage. 2 ladyboys working as well as a couple of girls. 1st ladyboy tried his luck and soon gave up but the second was a bit more persistent. Suddenly got busy at 8.30pm and I realised there was a pool match against the Boxing Roo. Music pleasant, not too loud. Singha reasonable at B60. Owned by a friendly British guy.
  • Tipsy's

    Next to Maggie May. Single unit. Pool table. Singha OK at B60. Laptop on bar for customers to put music on. Opened on 9th August. Nice pleasant bar. No hassle from the girls.



Spell checked...

Kiss A-GoGo becomes Chaos A-GoGo

Link Here7th September 2017
The defunct Kiss A-GoGo on Soi LK Metro is set to become Chaos A-GoGo, Presumably this is an expansion for Kaos A-GoGo located 50m further along the Soi.



Open fronts...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Annabelle's

Link Here5th September 2017

I popped into Annabelle's on Saturday night.

The Walking Street GoGo has a long central stage with seating on either side.

The staff were mostly from Living Dolls One. The Girls were wearing short skirts with open front blouses. Some nice tits on view. There was also a mat with 2 naked Girls on it.

There was a good atmosphere.

Lady drinks were 170 Baht, which seems to be the norm these days. Draft beer was 75 Baht.



Rocks Off...

Far East Rock closes on Soi Post Office

Link Here3rd September 2017
Far East Rock A-GoGo was closed on the 3rd September with a team of builders/wreckers laying into the GoGo stage and seating area.

The GoGo has posted a sign: Notice to our customers, Closed 1 month for renovations.

The GoGo girls suggested that the upper floors of the building are being converted into a hotel, but that the GoGo should resume after a month. The extent of the destruction in the GoGo area leaves some room for doubt that the GoGo will return.

In the meantime there are now 74 GoGos operating around Pattaya.



Commented To talk of many things...

Of shoes -- and slips -- and seeing racks -- Of pasties -- and strings

Link Here2nd September 2017

Some weeks ago I also visited Happy A-GoGo and I completely agree with Dave, except for the fact that on my visit only some of the topless dancers were wearing pasties.

That being said, Happy A-GoGo is still better than most other gogos and much better than Sapphire Club .

Also, outside of the Walking Street area, there are still gogos that exclusively offer traditional string bikini dancers, some of them easy on the eye.

Passion Dance Club and Club Nevada spring to mind.

Much more reasonable prices at those places and much sweeter girls.



Higher priorities...

Bar news from Soi Post Office

Link Here1st September 2017

Club Nevada on Soi 13/2 has now put an end to the cheap(est) GoGo lady drinks in town. From today the lady drinks have increased from 100 to 130 Baht.

Meanwhile Far East Rock, opposite to Club Nevada, is set to close for 1 month for building work. The top floors of the building are being converted into hotel rooms.




Pattaya bar news and reviews: The Den

Link Here29th August 2017

On Soi Banlang Soi 12 The Scrapyard Bar has never reopened after an apparent police closure.

On Soi Khao Talo Nat Bar has been renamed P&A Bar .

On Soi Khao Noi Goldflower Bar has reopened as NOY-T Bar.

On Soi Chaiyapornwithi White Oyster Lounge has become T he Black Pearl Bar.

On Soi Khao Talo Soi 9 PPBAR has reopened.

With the Den on Soi Chaiyapoon closing early in the evening, I finally made it there in the daytime.

Shortly after 2 p.m. the, not so young and not so slim, birds were fixing their make-up and charging their mobiles.

Several months after their opening there were still workmen with ladders around.

Because of several pillars it is difficult to get a good view. In the middle is a bar counter surrounded by stools. On the right-hand side I noticed some pool tables. On the left-hand side is red plush bench seating with straight backs, which does not look very comfortable.

Contrarily to what I had read on internet fora (all-in price of 1,000 + 500 baht for ST), I was told there was no ST room available, but there was a room nearby at 250 baht. Barfine 400 baht ST and 1,000 baht LT. For themselves the fuglies wanted 1,500 baht ST. An unattractive, shapeless, 41-year-old woman, who had been selling Buddhist paraphernalia in Bangkok, told me she wanted to go with me ST for 2,000 baht, room included.

As soon as the females realised I was not going to barfine or waste money on lady drinks, they wanted tips in their pants and bras.

There were two other customers, quietly drinking their beers.

A lo-so experience.

Bottled Heineken 95 baht.

The Butcher's Arms Pub on Soi Buakhaow is for sale now. It had been going downhill in recent times. The drunken Thai female, apparently the owner, was a pain in the arse.

On Soi Diamond the Swiss restaurant Swiss Food has reopened. They have two daily specials now: a very cheapo one at 320 baht and another one at 460 baht. There are better choices available in Pattaya.

On Soi Diamond, at the previous location of the micro gogo Only O, a glass-fronted bar with white tables and some unused chrome poles has opened: Addiction Club. I saw a dozen of girls inside, but no punters.



Candy unwrapped...

Bar news from around town

Link Here27th August 2017
Candy Bar has taken over from Pat Bar on Soi 6. It opened on 25th August and features ladies, not lady boys.

The old Sapphire Lodge on Pratamnak Soi 4, opposite the Asia Hotel, was once set to become Club Tropicana but that never opened. Then venue now seems lost to the gentlemen's club circuit as it has now become a Chinese restaurant.

Meanwhile Club Nevada on Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office) has reduced operations to a single shift and opens from 1pm until 11pm. The single shift means that there is now a single barfine at any time of day, set at 700 Baht. There is no nudity on show at the moment.



Andy Pandy...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Happy

Link Here22nd August 2017

I Popped into Happy A-GoGo off Walking Street for the first time in 2 months. There have been a lot of Changes.

It's now 90% coyote dancer. There were only 7 or 8 bikini dancers.

The Girls now stay on stage for 20 mins and move around the stage. Like the Sapphire Club, the Girls were wearing huge bottoms and tops. About as erotic as Andy Pandy!

When the Showgirls came on they turned off all the Stage Lighting, so you could see very little. Tthe Girls stripped down to Bikini Bottoms but were wearing nipple covers.

I'm not sure it qualifies as an a-go-go anymore.

The Doll House, Sapphire Club and Supergirl continue to Improve, so not all bad news



From naughty step to naughty table...

Windmill re-opens on Soi Diamond

Link Here21st August 2017
Windmill Club has re-opened on Soi Diamond after a 30 day police closure.

The bar re-opened on 18/19th August at midnight, taking back the girls who had found temporary residence at Annabelle's on Walking Street.

And so there are now 75 self defined GoGos operating around Pattaya



Iron's in the fire...

Iron Club closes after fire

Link Here15th August 2017
Iron Club A-GoGo on Walking Street has closed after being damaged by a fire. The fire broke out on Sunday afternoon and has been attributed to an air con unit.

So until repairs have been carried out there are 74 GoGos open around Pattaya.



More time needed...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Tantra A-GoGo

Link Here14th August 2017

On Walking Street, right of Sweetheart's A-GoGo, one more superfluous narrow gogo has opened: Tantra A-GoGo.

In the middle are two cheapo, white, rather low stages, each of them with six chrome poles, one of them fixed to the ceiling. On both sides is, unsurprisingly, very cramped bench seating. I was lucky to be seated on a bar stool along the wall with a high table next to it. Although there were only a handful of customers at Tantra, it was crowded, only because it is so narrow.

There were two teams of mediocre, more-than-overdressed, double-topped and double-bottomed coyotes.

One of them was Lek Dracula, who started as a greeter at the long gone Hooty's A-GoGo on Walking Street and after that has been working at the beer bar joints in front of Pattaya Beer Garden and at Mandarin Walking Street.

There was also a team of (mostly old and ugly) so-called models in black lace lingerie and black stay-up stockings, several of them silicone enhanced, performing a lousy show to the tune of Zombie. The average quality of the string-bikini dancers at Passion Dance Club on Soi 6 is much higher.

Already two days after the (soft) opening I noticed a terrible cigarette smoke stench. The music was the usual crap. I think not many people will appreciate the lighting with constantly alternating colours.

Unisex toilets.

I surmise Tantra is a new venture of the Bryan Flowers Empire.

Barfines (for coyotes only, I guess): 1,500 before midnight, 1,000 after midnight.

BEWARE: automatic tipping: small change is not returned spontaneously.

Bottled Heineken 140 baht, lady drinks 150-200 baht.



Updated: A long time coming...

Tantra A-GoGo is set to open on Walking Street

Link Here11th August 2017
Tantra A-GoGo is set to open on Walking Street tonight (10th August 2017). It is located next to Sweetheart's A-GoGo in the venue that previously the Roo Bar.

However things don't look so rosy on Soi LK Metro. Ninja A-GoGo has hung its swords and the venue is now dark. A notice has been posted citing that this is a temporary closure for repairs.

So the GoGo count remains at 74 bars around Pattaya that call themselves GoGos.

Update: Ninja still fighting

11th August 2017

Ninja reopened the next night after repairs, so there are now 75 GoGos around Pattaya



Pearl diving...

Pattaya Bar Reviews: The Black Pearl Bar

Link Here11th August 2017

On Soi Chaiyapornwithi White Oyster Lounge has changed hands and has been renamed The Black Pearl Bar.

Many moons ago it was known as Black Pearl 2 and by then there was also a Black Pearl 1 on Soi Siam Country Club not far past Butterfly Bar (see old map right).

The new owner is a skinny former bargirl sponsored by an Australian.

The modus operandi has remained unchanged with naked girls diving into the swimming pool picking up coins for a total of 200 baht.

Most girls, several threeholers among them, are still there. Also the petite bottle-blonde tomboy cashier is still there. First time I saw her, I thought a farang choir boy had got lost.

The ST bar fine is still 300 baht room included and the girls are still happy with 1,000 baht. The four rooms upstairs are again available, but the room downstairs is in use by the owner now.

Open from 11 a.m. till 10 p.m.

Bottled Heineken still 80 baht, standard lady drinks still 100 baht.



Cream's off...

News from Soi Diamond and around town

Link Here6th August 2017
Casino Cream Club (formerly Cream Club and Baron Club) near the end of Soi Diamond has been dark for several nights, in fact largely overdue.

So now the GoGo count stands at 74.

At the Happy gogo group the following prices apply now: bottled Heineken 160 baht, bottled Leo 150 baht, lady drinks still 150 baht.

On Soi Naam Keng, off Soi Buakhaow, Road House 13 has reopened.

The Windmill Club A-GoGo on Soi Diamond has been closed by court order. In front are some Thai boys now, saying closed 30 days and trying to re-route passers-by to Annabelle's on Walking Street.  Perhaps the closure of Windmill is a late consequence of a raid on their ST rooms some months ago.

On Soi Lengkee The Monkey Club has closed (for sale).

The Butcher's Arms Pub on Soi Buakhaow is for sale now. It had been going downhill in recent times. The drunken Thai female, apparently the owner, was a pain in the arse.

On Soi Diamond the Swiss restaurant Swiss Food has reopened. They have two daily specials now: a very cheapo one at 350 baht and another one at 460 baht. There are better choices available in Pattaya.

On Soi Diamond, at the previous location of Super Baby A-GoGo, a new gogo is taking shape: Yes.

On Soi Diamond, at the previous location of the micro gogo Only O, a glass-fronted bar with white tables and some unused chrome poles has opened: Addiction Club. I saw a dozen of girls inside, but no punters.

At Passion Dance Club on Soi 6 I am all but an unknown face, nevertheless the old mamasan Nee told me their ST rooms are no longer available.

Meanwhile Dave notes that he saw the Identical twins from the Windmill, outside Misty's on Saturday night. They said the Windmill will re-open in about 3 weeks. He also reports few punters around on Saturday. Even Baccara was half empty.



Another fix of new bars...

Addiction Club opens on Soi Diamond

Link Here5th August 2017
Addiction Club opened 1st August 2017 on Soi Diamond at the venue that was previously Only O A-GoGo. The Bar describes itself as:

We are not a gogo, we are not a beer bar, we are ADDICTION!

Meanwhile in Soi Diamond there is ongoing work at the old Gentlemen's Club and also at the old Super Baby.



The shows must go on...

Showgirls and Babydolls re-open

Link Here4th August 2017
Babydolls A-GoGo on Soi 15 and Showgirls A-GoGo on Soi LK Metro have re-opened on 3rd August after police closure.

So the GoGo count returns to a more healthy 74 bars around Pattaya that call themselves GoGos.



A decent portion of nudity...

Pattaya Bar and GoGo News and Reviews: WakaWaka, Club Electric Blue and Babydolls

Link Here31st July 2017

Although Pattayaland (with the exception of Boyztown on Soi 13/5) has become a ghost town, a new place, WakaWaka , has opened on Soi 13/4 opposite the entrance of the defunct Obsessions.

I cannot remember if that is the same place as the long gone Rodeo Girls or next door. What I do remember is that at Rodeo Girls the stage was against the wall on the right-hand side with double-tier bench seating on the other side, whereas at the nearby Legs Club the stage was on the left-hand side.

Although I liked to have a drink at those two places from time to time, I have never seen a bird there who could catch my fancy.

When I arrived at WakaWaka there was a foul smell on the terrace as if lots of people had being smoking outside.

Having a look inside, I saw an empty, low stage with two chrome poles on the left-hand side and two old fully dressed fatties sitting on the right-hand side.

I decided to make a U-turn.

Club Mistys on Soi 15 is celebrating their 20 th anniversary.

I saw an unconscious girl being carried away, probably “maaw maak maak”.

Club Electric Blue A-GoGo on Soi 15 is one of the scarce gogos where you still get a decent portion of nudity.

On the main stage, just behind the entrance, two teams of some ten naked and topless dancers were cavorting. On the other stage were two teams of four or five overdressed double-topped and double-bottomed performers. About ½ of all dancers went naked on stage, about ¼ were topless and about ¼ were overdressed. However, the average quality of the naked bodies was rather poor.

With a bit of luck you will find a MILF with a much better shape at Bamboo Bar on Pattayatai. Typically, the overdressed dancers at Club Electric Blue A-GoGo were the pushiest ones begging for lady drinks.

Not many customers, but still more than at most other places.

The music was horrible. Very cramped toilets.

Bottled Heineken still 150 baht.

Meanwhile Babydolls is set to -reopen on Soi 15 after a police closure. It will re-open on Thursday 3rd August.



Mandarin Airport...

GoGos re-open on Walking Street

Link Here28th July 2017
Mandarin Club on Walking Street closed for renovation on 1st July. The GoGo duly re-opened with a new look on 28th July.

Air Port Club on Walking Street re-opened on 27th July. The bar was closed after a police raid but seems to have sorted its differences with the authorities.

So there are now 74 GoGos open around Pattaya.




Joining the 3m High Club...

News and Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Playgirls

Link Here23rd July 2017

Ginza A-GoGo has re-opened on Walking Street. It has been closed since a change of owners in May earlier this year.

Avoid driving under influence, the alcohol limit being 050. One of my fellow countrymen has been lucky: nice police officers escorted him to an ATM where he was allowed to withdraw 20,000 baht tea money.

On Soi 6 Dusk Till Dawn has gone dark.

The Swiss restaurant Swiss Food on Soi Diamond has been dark for several nights already, perhaps temporarily.

On Soi 6 Nature Club has never opened, but they already have changed the signage to Nature Bar.

Air Port Club on Walking Street being closed until 27th July 2017, the greeters try to persuade patrons to climb the stairs to Playgirls upstairs.

This long narrow venue has one very long stage in the middle with an unused jacuzzi behind it and very high bench seating on both sides.

To my surprise the place was full.

The dancers, most of them double-topped and double-bottomed, but also a number of bikini-clad and some topless ones, where doing the Pattaya shuffle until two pussy-trick performers replaced them. The dancers I have seen were varying from very mediocre to extremely ugly. However, they were all but shy and eager to get some 20-baht notes in their bras and pants (front and rear).

BEWARE: bottled Heineken 185 baht.



Bellies, booties, boobies...

WakaWaka opens on Soi Pattayaland

Link Here18th July 2017
WakaWaka has opened on Soi Pattayaland 2 in the venue that was once Rodeo Girls.

The bars describes itself as a bar/gentlemen's lounge, so I am not sure hw it should be classified yet.

Early reports suggest that the bar is popular with Indian guys. Perhaps the advertising strap line House full of bellies, booties, boobies rather reinforces the connection.



Star makeover...

Pattaya Bar Reviews: New Dao Bar/New Dao Cafe

Link Here16th July 2017

Between Soi Khao Noi and Soi Nern Plab Wahn, on the edge of two incorporated (rather neglected) villages, New Dao Bar/New Dao Café/New Dao Resto has opened at the location where Dao Bar/Café closed over half a year ago.

The village on the Soi Khao Noi side has its entrance about 100 metres before Le Rouge when coming from Sukhumvit Road.

There is a 7ELEVEN minimarket on the corner.

The village on the Soi Nern Plab Wahn side has its entrance about 100 metres before the petrol station when coming from Sukhumvit Road.

The layout of the restaurant, swimming pool and bar has remained unchanged: the girlie bar can still be accessed via the restaurant or via the back alley.

On my visit I only saw freelancers around the forty-year mark, some of them fat. I did not see ladyboys this time.

I happened to be their only "real" customer as the other farang inside had come with his Thai wife for playing pool.

They still have ST rooms included in the 300 baht barfine.

I was told the current owner is a short fat Belgian.

They appear to sell several Belgian beers, including Tripel Karmeliet on draught at 150 baht for a small glass.

Be aware that Belgian special beers have an alcoholic content higher than that of the local produce.

I advise buying Belgian quality beers, such as Kwak, Tripel Karmeliet, Westmalle Tripel or Duvel, at Friendship Supermarket or BigC (from memory 170-180 baht per 33 cl. bottle) and sample them at home.

The New Dao guest house rents out rooms from 590 baht per night.

I did not try their restaurant, but the one at the old Dao was disgusting and too expensive, as about any "restaurant" on the Dark Side.

New Dao Bar opens from 1 p.m. till midnight.

Bottled Heineken 85 baht, lady drinks 119 baht.



Can't find the G-Spot?...

Perhaps you could try poking around in Annabelle's

Link Here12th July 2017
G-Spot A-GoGo on Walking Street has been sold. It was renamed Annabelle's A-GoGo on 10th July 2017.

The bar is noted as a sister bar to Windmill Club on Soi Diamond.

Meanwhile By-Pass A-GoGo re-opened on Walking Street and features girls from nearby Mandarin, which is closed for renovation.

So there are now 71 GoGos operating around Pattaya.



Updated: Aftermath...

Police raids have resulted in a few dark venues in Pattaya

Link Here10th July 2017
On Soi 15 Babydolls A-GoGo has closed, probably a licensing story or for closing after 3 a.m. or both.

On the corner of Walking Street and Soi Happy Bypass A-GoGo has been dark for a couple of nights.

On Soi LK Metro Showgirls Entertainment Centre has gone dark, for "renovation", but apparently a police closure.

On Walking Street the lights at Living Dolls 1 are still on, but the greeters have disappeared and the door is locked. This closure is economic rather than an enforcement issue.

Last night the Swiss restaurant Swiss Food on Soi Diamond was dark, perhaps temporarily.

On Soi Khao Noi Le Rouge has closed.

On Soi Toongklom Tanman Valentines Bar has closed.

On Walking Street, at the previous location of Alcatraz A-GoGo, a new place has opened, but remains deserted: Miami .

Update: Diverted

9th July 2017. Thanks to Ishi of (Japanese language)

The previous batch of closures reported above have resulted in 30 day shutdowns lasting until 2nd August.

Airport A-GoGo is the latest victim of police/licensing raids and has closed on official orders.

The girls have been diverted to sister bar Play Girl , located immediately above Airport Club.

And until the venues sort things out with the authorities there are just 70 GoGos open in Pattaya.



The Chinese Connection...

Opening and closing bars in Pattaya

Link Here4th July 2017
Mandarin Club on Walking Street closed for renovation on 1st July. The work is expected to take about a month.

There are now just 74 Pattaya bars claiming to be GoGos.

DartsLive2 , an open bar for darts fans, opened on 2nd July 2017. The venue was previously Fun Seeker Dance Club. There is no sign of a DartsLive1 bar. The bar has Hong Kong connections.

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