Destiny A-GoGo goes dark
 | 31st December 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Destiny A-GoGo has closed on Soi LK Metro. It initially opened as a coyote bar but such bars haven't often done well, so it tried A-GoGo from June this year. There are now 90 bars around Pattaya with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Pattaya GoGo: Reviews: Club Nevada
 | 28th December 2013
| Thanks to Malcolm
Dicey Reillys is located on 2nd Road just round the corner from Soi Post Office Called in Dicey Reillys. Didn't have Singha Light, my prefered tipple. I was the only one in and realised why when I ordered a
Tiger Light, B140.
Club Nevada is located at the Beach Road end of Soi Post Office Went to Club Nevada at just after 1pm and there was a absolute cutie dancing naked when I went in. Had a few
drinks with her and enquired of the barfine. She said long time barfine was B600 barfine and B1500 for her. Turned out her idea of long time was till 7pm when she was going back to work. I was expecting all night, but she was gorgeous
and could suck the chrome off a towbar. Reasonable lineup, mostly nude, draught Chang B55 and ladydrink only B100
Teazers re-opens
 | 27th December 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Teazers coyote dancing bar on Walking Street re-opened on Christmas Day
Showgirls re-opens after renovation
 | 25th December 2013
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Showgirls on Soi LK Metro has been reworked. Initial work was carried out whilst the bar continued operations. The last phase required a short closure, but the bar has now re-opened for Christmas. There are now 91 bars in the Pattaya area
with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less. |
For sale sign goes up at Submarine A-GoGo
 | 21st December 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
A for sale has now been put outside the closed Submarine A-GoGo on Soi LK Metro. Just round the corner Showgirls was shut with the builders in. this will be re-opning very shortly with changes to the layout. The new Oscars went dark on the
first night after its opening but was back in operation for the 3rd night.
Meanwhile on Walking Street the chances don't look good for Teazers coyote bar. It's been dark for a while now. At the moment there are 90 bars around Pattaya with girls dancing in bikinis or less. |
Oscars set to open on Soi LK Metro
18th December 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
The latest GoGo is Oscars on Soi LK Metro. It is near the Soi Buakhao end of the road at the venue that was previously the Stag's Head. It is set to open on Wednesday on 18th December. There is an opening party on Saturday 21st December.
Meanwhile Teazers on Walking Street was dark last night (17th). It is just about the last of the coyote bars with its dancers in the windows. Perhaps an end of an era. |
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Hot and Cold
 | 16th December 2013
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Hot and Cold is located at the 2nd Road end of Soi Post Office (Pattaya Soi 13/2) Hot and Cold continues to trade as a GoGo but it has scaled back so far that it now must qualify as the smallest GoGo in town. However it can still be a fun
place to visit as it still retains its hands on tradition. Despite continuous claims to the contrary the bar usually has a couple of girls the right side of 25. And it is a friendly place to enjoy a very cheap drink. Although as friendly as ever,
the tiny operation means that it is a bit unreliable that a decent looking girl is working and available for fun. It may not be fashionable to say this, but I still find it a good place to visit. |
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Dream Club
 | 15th December 2013
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Dream Club is located on Soi Diamond next to Super Baby. I stopped by at a prime time on a weekday evening. The bar was a bit quiet in terms of customers but certainly not empty. The seating is certainly better laid out than previous
versions of Carousel. It is at least inviting to find a comfortable seat with a good view of the stage. There were 2 teams of dancers, one totally coyote clad and the other bikini and topless. The coyote team seemed a little disinterested and
seemed a bit regimental in their 3 by 3 arrangement on the stage. The bikini clad team were certainly more entertaining. I'm not really sure why bars segregate coyotes. I think mixed teams would do a better job of ensuring that there was always
something for everyone. Otherwise seeing a team of dancers you are not interested in take to the stage can be a unnecessary prompt to exit. The draft was 75 Baht and is probably needed as the bar is a bit of a look-see type of GoGo where there
isn't really much going on beyond the basic scouting for a nice takeaway. |
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Babydolls
 | 14th December 2013
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Babydolls is the last GoGo in Soi 15 when walking away from Walking Street. Manager Phil has now moved on to Secrets Bar in the next Soi. The current managers are Larry, previously of Secrets, and Paul, previously of Far East Rock and Paradise.
What I find great about Babydolls is that the girls proactively seek out customers who enjoy a friendly girl sitting on their lap. There's no hiding away in the back corner for a chat with their fellow dancers in this bar. Of course many customers
prefer to sit alone, without being approached until they select a girl for themselves. But that's not really the way Baby Dolls works and there are plenty of other GoGos such customers can choose instead. The model works for Babydolls and there's
always a good crowd in, and of course the large majority of the customers will also be buying lady drinks and tipping. I often wonder why so few bars try the business model, but I guess it takes a lot of management effort to keep the girls out
circulating amongst the customers. It probably only takes an occasional drop in effort before all the girls are congregating at the back of the bar again. On my last visit I found the bar a little bit crowded as we head towards high season, and at
first I thought that there weren't enough dancers to go round. But not to worry,a very friendly service girl popped onto my lap instead. A consistently goo bar that is just the way that Thai-Anxiety likes it. |
Cream Club opens on Soi Diamond
 | 12th December 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Cream Club is located on Soi Diamond at the 2nd Road end. The venue was previously Baron Club. The bar opened on 11th December 2013. It opens at 8pm usually, but it opened after 10pm on its debut night. The bar has connections with Casino
Club and Night Train Bar.
I took only a brief look yesterday, it was almost a coyote bar but it has a shower booth with topless ladies. There are now a remarkable 90 bars around Pattaya with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Opening and Closings
 | 11th December 2013
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A new Time Bar has appeared on Soi LK Metro in the venue that was previously Candy's . Coincidently Times Lounge , the Gentlemen's Lounge near Cosy Beach in the Pratamnak Hill area has now become Heaven Gentlemen's Lounge .
There's an opening promotion of 70 Baht Leo and Chang during December 2013. Lady drinks are from 100 Baht and a room is 350 Baht. And if you don't know where it is then this may help: Turn off Pratamnak at the Ratchawarun Road the
main junction towards the highest point of Pratamnak. Then head towards Cozy Beach on Pratamnak Soi 1 and look for Soi 1/11, the last soi as you head towards the sea. |
Submarine A-GoGo goes dark
 | 5th December 2013
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The crew has vanished from the submarine currently moored on Soi LK Metro. There have been rumours of an impending closure for a while, so the prognosis is not good. But it could be just a temporary hiccup. If it is permanent there are now
89 bars around Pattaya with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less. |
Champagne re-opens but Tiger Club closes
 | 3rd December 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Champagne A-GoGo has re-opened on Soi LK Metro The bar now has one center stage with 7 poles. On the stage I saw 5 or 6 dancers who were topless, bikini and coyote. The girls were from
FunHouse, Crystal Club, Clinic and so on. The topless dancer in Clinic changed to a coyote in Champagne. The girls advance onstage by one dancer per song. The bar doesn't have draught beer. Bottled beer and
soft drinks are from 85B, lady drinks are 140B.
Meanwhile Tiger Club on Walking Street has closed its doors. There are no plans to re-open in the near future. So there are still 90 bars around Pattaya with Thai girls
dancing in bikinis or less. |
Shooters opens, Champagne doesn't, and the A-Team closes
 | 2nd December 2013
| Thanks to Basil Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Shooters Guesthouse, Sports and Coyote Bar has opened on Soi 7 towards the 2nd Road end. The bar opened on 30th November. Coyote dancers dance on the tables from 8pm but at a 1am visit most had already been taken away. Champagne A-GoGo
was expected to open on 1st December but didn't, or if it did, it opened very late in the evening. A-Team was an aircon bar that seemed to be reasonably popular on Soi Xzyte. However, the bar has closed. The furnishings have been
removed. There are reports that the entire block is set for redevelopment. |
Champagne A-GoGo set to re-open
 | 29th November 2013
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Champagne A-GoGo is located at the Soi Diana end of Soi LK Metro. After 3 months of re-fit work, Champagne A-GoGo is set to re-open for business on 1st December. There will be a grand re-opening party a week later on the 8th December.
Sapphire re-opens after re-modelling
 | 27th November 2013
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Sapphire Club is located at the corner at the centre of Soi 15. The GoGo has now re-opened after a bit of re-modelling. The central stage has become more curvy. The bar counter has sensibly been moved from the back wall to the left
hand wall, and so provides the bar with more seating that has a good view of the stage. The decor is now red. There are now 90 bars around Pattaya with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less |
Rehab coyote bar on Soi Buakhao closes
 | 19th November 2013
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Rehab was located on Soi Buakhao a couple of blocks south of the Soi LK Metro bar area. The bar's Facebook page announced the closure and the bar didn't open the following day. The sign off reads: We r closing ppl.
Thanks for all of ur supports.
The business model of overdressed, overpriced and overselective coyote dancers has not got a good track record in Pattaya. Given the amount of racier, cheaper, and more obliging competition in Pattaya,
there seems little reason to patronise such an establishment just for the coyote dancing. Of course very attractive girls are always the trump card in Pattaya but such girls are hard to retain once the customers start to dwindle. |
Amethyst Club opens on Soi LK Metro
 | 18th November 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Amethyst opened in Soi LK metro on 17th November. Everything looks like Angelwitch on Walking Street Soi 15. Music, show and costumes of GoGo dancers. But I saw 7 coyotes on the stage. I've never seen coyotes in
Angelwitch. The bar doesn't have a drink menu and it doesn't serve draught beer. The cheapest drinks (soft drinks) are 95 Baht. Bottled beers are reported to be 150 Baht It opens at 7pm every day.
There are now 89 bars around Pattaya with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less. Note: Amethyst See article from
en.wikipedia.org Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz often used in jewelry. The name comes from the Ancient Greek, a reference to the belief that the stone protected its
owner from drunkenness. The ancient Greeks and Romans wore amethyst and made drinking vessels of it in the belief that it would prevent intoxication. |
Moonlight A-GoGo opens in Covent Garden
17th November 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Moonlight is located in the Covent Garden Complex in the venue that was previously Club Relaxxx. Moonlight A-GoGo opened on 16th November (at 1am instead of the advertised 8:30pm). The venue was previosuly Club Relaxxx.
I counted 11 dancers on the mamasan board. They're all coyotes. It's too dark to check the dancers. The first bottled beer is 100B, but the second one is 150B. The price is not written on the bill, so maybe
they haven't fixed all the prices at that moment. Lady drink was 150B. [Editors note, not printing the price on bills and variable drink prices is a very bad sign but perhaps teething problems with the system]. There are now 88 bars around
Pattaya with girls dancing in bikinis or less assuming that Moonlight will persuade girls to take off their bras soon. |
Sapphire Club closes for refurbishment
 | 14th November 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Sapphire Club i s an A-GoGo on Pattaya Soi 15. It is now closed for renovation. It will take almost 2 weeks to re-open. In the meantime there are 70 bars with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less. |
Amethyst taking shape on LK Metro
 | 11th November 2013
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Amethyst has appeared on the signage for the new bar rising from the ashes of M*A*S*H on Soi LK Metro. The venue was previously referred to as Angelwitch 2. Meanwhile work has just started on another GoGo conversion at the other end of the same soi.
The Stag's head is the next venue to give way to the GoGo enslaught. |
Peppermint re-opens after re-work
 | 10th November 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language) |
Peppermint is located on Walking Street in the vicinity of Showcase and the Walking Street Tree. Peppermint closed for a week for re-modelling and re-opened on 9th November. There are now 2 stages. One is a
rectangular (sub) stage with 5 poles (dancers and coyotes) near entrance. The other is a square (center) stage with 8 poles (dancers and coyotes) center of the bar. 2 dancers move from center stage to sub stage per song. The
famous midnight on stage (all dancers, coyotes and hostess entering on the stage at midnight for one song) finished on 30th October. The GoGo count returns to 88. |
Peppermint closes for re-modelling
 | 1st November 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Peppermint is a long running Walking Street GoGo near the Marine Disco. The bar has now closed for re-modelling. The bar will be transformed into a clone of other GoGos in the Happy group, with a layout based on a central stage. The bar is set
to re-open on 8th November. Just for the moment, there are 87 bars in the Pattaya area with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Thailand's top monk dies aged 100
 | 26th October 2013
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Thailand's 'king' monk, who headed the country's order of Buddhist monks for more than two decades, died Thursday. Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara was 100 years old. Out of respect for the monk Thailand was set to go into an official mourning period of
15 days but this has since been increased to 30 days. The mourning period has an impact on nightlife as entertainment venues are encouraged to stop serving alcohol and refrain from musical entertainment. This respect seems to be taking
different from in different areas. Bangkok nightlife was more or less closed for a couple of nights but is reopening tonight. Pattaya has opted for an early closing policy of 2am. There may well be an official day towards the end of the
period when bars are asked to close entirely.
X-Zone was dark last night
 | 24th October 2013
| Thanks to Sedrikl
X Zone in the Covent Garden Complex on Soi 16 was closed last night. One of the mamasangs has taken a team of girls round the corner to Rhino A-GoGo. It is not yet clear if the closure is a temporary staffing issue or else something more
long term. |
Walking Street under new management
 | 21st October 2013
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Some notable bar managers are on the move. Phil, also known as Mr Egg is moving from Babydolls A-GoGo to the Secrets hangout bar on the next Soi. Meanwhile ex-Secrets manager will become a guest manager at Babydolls. He will be joined by
full time manager Paul whois moving from Paradise A-GoGo on LK Metro. He is also known by Far East Rock customers from Soi Post Office. Meanwhile Mick is retiring from duties at Sweethearts A-GoGo. He is well known for his efforts in making sure
all customers are personally welcomed. He will enjoy a retirement party on Friday 1st November. |
GoGo closes on Soi Diamond
 | 1st October 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language).
ByBlos, A-GoGo bar, located on the corner of Partamnak and Soi Dimaond, has gone dark. The girls are set to move to Dream Club A-GoGo at the other end of the Soi So for the moment, there are 88 bars in the Pattaya area with girls
dancing in bikinis or less.