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More Fun...

FunHouse A-GoGo set to appear to replace Club Blu

Link Here30th June 2013

The closed Club Blu at the corner of Soi Buakhao and Soi LK Metro looks set to be transformed into FunHouse A-GoGo.

A previous deal with ladyboy specialist, Pook, fell through, and FunHouse is promising to be all girl.

So now there are 4 developments in Soi LK Metro that have been announced or are in progress:

  • Club Blu to be come FunHouse A-GoGo
  • Lolita's is taking shape as Crystal Club A-GoGo
  • Flandria bar next door is taking shape as Bachelor Pattaya, a GoGo associated with Queen Club opposite.
  • MASH is taking shape as the new venue Angelwitch 2



Updated: Off the Table...

Beach Club re-opens after installing a central stage

Link Here27th June 2013

Beach Club is a long running table dancing GoGo just off Walking Street on Soi 15.

The bar is now closed with substantial rework underway. The bar will soon reappear with a new central stage. Beach Club will re-open on 25th June 2013. The dancers have been moved temporality to Happy A-GoGo.

It looks like the concept of table dancing is now consigned to the Pattaya Museum (at Kiss A-GoGo on Soi LK Metro).

For the moment there are 83 bars in the Pattaya area with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.

Update: Re-sanded

26th June 2013.

Beach Club looks set to re-open tonight with its news new central stage 'traditional' layout.

There will be a re-opening party on Saturday.

Update: Cavernous

27th June 2013.

The bar has now re-opened after rework and now features the central stage from the group's old Cavern A-GoGo. There are 3 small sub-stages featuring coyote dancers.

The cheap drinks are continuing but the barfine has reverted to the standard group price of 700 Baht.

There are now 85 bars around Pattaya with at least some Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.



Destined to be a GoGo...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Destiny

Link Here23rd June 2013

Destiny is located on Soi LK Metro.

I was informed that dancers at Destiny have been wearing a few less clothes of late, and that the bar now qualifies as a GoGo.

And indeed, that is what I found. About half the girls in the bar were dancing in bikinis or were topless. There were about dozen girls in the bar organised into 3 dance teams. There were some pretty girls and the bar is now competitive with several on the soi.

There's no draft beer per-se but bottled Leo  beer is 60 Baht, which is a better deal than most bars. The remainder of the drinks prices were reasonable.

Surely a big improvement on my previous visit, but the new hasn't quite clicked yet as it was quiet at a peak hour. Maybe it still has a coyote bar atmosphere, with the girls not being overly keen on the naughty stuff that goes down in a bar with a longer GoGo heritage.

So there are now 84 bars around Pattaya with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less. There are 3 more on Soi Buakhao soon to add to the list.



Recurring Dream...

Dream Club A-GoGo set to Open on Soi Diamond

Link Here22nd June 2013

Dream Club A-GoGo is now recruiting at the Soi Diamond venue that was previously Carousel GoGo Club.

The bar is creating a totally new layout, which is probably a good idea as Carousel used the smallish space very inefficiently with lots of dead spots.

It is the 4th dancing bar to adopt the name Dream. The was once a Dream A-GoGo in the Prince Hotel on Soi 8. Dreams Bar A-GoGo briefly had dancing on the other side of the same soi. PePe A-GoGo  in the Covent Garden' Complex was previously Dream A-GoGo.



Kiss Me Hardy!...

Lord Nelson sunk by a Thai landlord's broadside

Link Here20th June 2013

Admiral Lord Nelson was a hotel, restaurant and pub on Soi 6.

It was a fixture on Soi 6 for as long as I can remember. But it has now been the victim of an unfeasible rent increase at the end of a lease.

The bar is now up for rent and the fixtures are up for sale.




Club Mistys Happy Hour prices creep up

Link Here19th June 2013

Club Mistys is located towards the centre of Soi 15.

The GoGo now offers Happy Hour from 8pm until 10pm with draft beer at 45 Baht, bottle beer at 90 Baht and house spirits at 60 Baht.




Champion introduces a 35 Baht double happy hour

Link Here18th June 2013

Champion is a long running Walking Street GoGo.

The bar has now introduced a 35 Baht double happy hour from 8-10pm and again from 00:30-3am. The promotion applies to draft beer soft drinks and Thai whisky.



Not So Happy...

Sugar Baby A-GoGo ends its happy hour

Link Here17th June 2013

Sugar Baby is newish on Walking Street and has connections with Windmill A-GoGo.

The bar has recently ended its very cheap happy hour from 7 until 10pm. Previously draft beer and unbranded spirits were available at about the 50 Baht mark.

The GoGo has made quite an impact on Walking Street, bringing off-Walking Street hands-on fun to the street itself. Given that it is popular and gets up to speed earlier than most bars, then there is probably little commercial reason to have a very cheap happy hour.

However, for expats and regulars, the bar is offering a discount card to restore the previous happy hour bargains.

It seems to be a bit of fashion at the moment to try and get the best of both worlds by offering high drinks prices to tourists whilst having a discount card for more price conscious ex-pats. I suspect that they make little difference. The underlying characteristics of the bar will always dominate, and this includes general price policy and the target audience. Eg there seems little point offering a discount card in a gogo with high barfines, tequila girls and dancers who reserve themselves for high rollers.



Not Yet Out of GoGo Rehab...

Pattaya Bar Reviews: Rehab

Link Here16th June 2013

Rehab A-GoGo is a coyote bar on Soi Buakhao. It is located a couple of blocks south of the Soi Diana/Soi Lengkee junction.

The bar recently erected a sign proclaiming itself to be an A-GoGo. But Thai-Anxiety definitions require girls to be dancing in bikinis or less before qualifying as an A-GoGo. But Rehab has found an interesting way of getting at least close to the rules.

Thanks to Sedrik who reports:

At 11pm on a Friday night the bar was fully coyote. There were 19 ladies, with a dress code from 1960's style unrevealing bikinis to shorts + tee shirt.

My bill was noted as No 18, and we were the only 3 customers in the place.

A nice try but the judges have turned down the GoGo application.



Hot Dough A-GoGo...

Hot and Cold raided by police

Link Here13th June 2013

Police from Region 2 Child and Women Protection Unit conducted an undercover operation at a Hot and Cold GoGo Bar in the early hours of Sunday following very unlikely sound reports of underage girls being employed there.  A very unlikely sounding scenario as the bar has a reputation for employing over aged dancers rather than anything else.

Nevertheless, owner Khun Bunatee was arrested after a 500 Baht barfine was handed over for a 16 year old girl. Khun Bunatee was charged at Pattaya Police Station and awaits a Court appearance.

Update: Vacancy for a Proof Reader at Pattaya People magazine

13th June 2013.  See  article from

According to the Pattaya People:

Police announced on Tuesday the arrest of Panatree, the owner of a bar, Hot Dough A-Go-Go on Soi Post Office in South Pattaya, accused of employing girls under the age of 18 and organizing underage sex on the premises.




Coming around for another try

Link Here8th June 2013

Carousel GoGo Club has been lying empty on Soi Diamond for quite a while now. But now the workmen are in doing a bit of a demolition job.

The word on the forums is that the bar will be returning as a GoGo.



Dress Down Fridays...

Less clothes

Link Here5th June 2013

Several bars suffering from over dressing have upped their game a little.

Bada Bing on Soi BJ

Fridays and Saturdays are now bikini days. Its a good job, as the bar was rapidly heading for coyote bar status.

Ginza on Walking Street

The bar now has some bottomless dancers on the upper floor. The upper bar is used when the ground floor is full. It's a  good job as the downstairs bars is coyote only.

Destiny on Soi LK Metro

The Bar has been classified as a GoGo since opening but Ishi reports that there were half a dozen dancing topless and in lingerie on his last visit.

Maybe a candidate for the GoGo list.



A Coyote Dressed in Sheep's Clothing...

Rehab coyote bar announces itself to be an A-GoGo

Link Here3rd June 2013

Rehab is located on Soi Buakhao, a couple of blocks south of Soi Diana.

The bar has now erected a new large neon sign claiming to be an A-GoGo. However, by the Thai-Anxiety definition GoGos are bars with girls dancing in bikinis or less.

Hopefully the sign is an indication of an upcoming change of policy at Rehab and that soon a few excess clothes will come off.

However the latest report from the Thai-Anxiety team was from the 17th May when the bar was still coyote. Ishi reports:

I saw 26 coyote dancers in the bar. It was still a 100% coyote bar. I didn't see any dancers in bikinis or less.

There were 4 dance teams, each team danced for 15 minutes on stage.

Bar Fines are 1,000B. But some (for example No.29) are 2,000B until 1am (1,500B after 1am).

The bar doesn't have draught beer. Soft drinks are 100B, and a lady drink is 140B.

For the moment the bar is not considered to be an A-GoGo and the GoGO count remains at 84.




Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Far East Rock

Link Here30th May 2013

Far East Rock is a GoGo located at the beach end of Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office)

I stopped by on a weekend evening to take a look at the changes since a refurbishment.

The dynamic of the bar is very much the same as before, but the bar does look smarter for a general rework of the fittings.

The major change is to rework the bar counter at the back. The messy DJ area and boss's cubby hole is now an area reclaimed to the bar. With the bar counter itself looking a lot more attractive. This back right area seems more for the Scandinavian regulars than for customers dropping by. It does not really command a good view of the stage so is probably best used as a hangout area.

There were 9 dancers in the bar when I visited with 3 on stage at any one time. This was a good ratio which left plenty of girls able to work the bar for lady drinks. There were 3 quite attractive girls and it was generally a decent line up for the bars in the Sois 13 area. Topless was the majority favoured dress code for the dancers.

There were a decent smattering of customers, and most had a lady by their side (or on their lap). It is probably the least hands-on bar of the local area but the hostessing was working OK anyway.

So very much as before, but looks a little nicer.




Play Party Club returns

Link Here28th May 2013

Play Party Club is located on Walking Street with the entrance being a few paces down Soi Lucky Star.

The bar has now re-opened after a period of being closed. Not sure what the reason was.

The bar is luxuriously appointed with prices to match. It is basically a nightclub, but features a few coyote dancers for extra entertainment.



Back Left...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: The Glass House

Link Here26th May 2013

I was slow to get round to visit this GoGo. It started off with a negative approach of high drinks prices coupled with coyote only dancing.

However the bar has now evolved a little, with the high drinks prices being watered down by the introduction of generous discount card for expats, along with a draft beer at 75 Baht.

And thankfully the overdressing policy has also been abandoned.

On my visit, at a peak time on a weekday night, the bar was doing a steady trade with a decent amount of customers and a decent amount of girls. This added up to a lively atmosphere.

The bar is quite small but not as small as I was expecting. There is a central stage with comfortable bench seats on either side and enough space to ensure that there are no issues with cramped passageways.

There were 8 girls or so dancing on the stage at any one time, with the repeated pattern that half were overdressed coyotes and half were pleasantly underdressed GoGo dancers. Surely a better policy than a stage of coyotes followed by a stage of GoGo dancers, it ensures that there is always something to look at.

However a rather rigid dancing pattern leads me to advise choosing a seat at the back left of the bar. The coyotes were always dancing on the front of the stage, and the GoGo dancers were always at the back. And for some reason I couldn't work out the large majority of dancers faced the seats on the left throughout their routine. The customers on the right seemed to be getting a second rate show.



End of an Era...

Blues Factory up for sale

Link Here23rd May 2013

The Blues Factory is a long established live music bar just off Walking Street on the alley to Soi Marine Plaza.

Following from the news that FLB is up for sale, Dave of The Blues Factory has also announced that he intends to sell his bar.

Blues Factory is perhaps best known for its resident rock guitarist Lam Morrison.



New York New York 2...

Plans are afoot for a re-opening

Link Here20th May 2013

New York New York tucked away on Soi Marine Plaza tried to be a half night club and half coyote bar. It didn't quite pan out and the bar closed.

Now New York New York is aiming to re-open in July.

The information is from former staff so presumably the current owners are returning for another go.

The FOR SALE sign was taken off on 17 May.



End of an Era...

FLB up for sale

Link Here19th May 2013

FLB is a long established hostess bar on Walking Street, just by the Walking Street Tree.

Owner Martin has just announced that he has thrown in the towel, and will put FLB Bar up for sale.

The bar has been round forever and was originally known as Freelance Bar. Maybe the name was more literally correct once, but has been more of hostess bar with salaried staff for as long as I can remember.

The bar's heyday was when it was the first to have success with its internet forum. This made FLB into a hangout bar where forum members would meet up. There were plenty of customers and the bar's parties were something of a Pattaya social occasion.

This hangout aspect was somewhat diluted with the break away set up of the similar, but more modern, Secrets Bar.

FLB has gently declined since. Last month it tried a new angle with coyote dancers, but presumably to no great effect.



Halo Reappears...

Halo Club re-opens on Walking Street

Link Here18th May 2013

Halo Club is located towards the Beach Road end of Walking Street. The club has had a busy first year or so of openings, closings and changes of style. The bar has tried disco, GoGo and coyote formats  

Halo Club re-opened on 16th May. On the first day there were coyote dancers only.

But by the second day, the bar had become more GoGo like with most of the dancers donning bikinis. In all there were 17 dancers in the bar.

Interestingly there were a couple of East European coyote dancers, reportedly available for a short time at 4000 Baht.

Barfines for all are set at 1000 Baht.

There are now 83 bars in the Pattaya area with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.



Bloody Enjoy Yourself...

Boomerang Bar and Wombat Sports Bar at the Shagwell Mansions

Link Here15th May 2013

Boomerang Bar and Wombat Sports Bar are opposite Nirum Condominiums, Soi 1 Pattaya Klang

Bloody enjoy yourself at Boomerang

The best night out you'll find in Pattaya. Live Music, dancing, cheap drinks, Air-conditioned for comfort, friendly staff. 9pm-2pm every night.

Bring your girlfriend, show her a good time, or come alone and meet new friends.. You want to get up and dance to the music, great, get up and just do it.

Boomerang Bar, home of Live Music, the best in town, just come along and bloody enjoy yourself, you'll come back.

The Pattaya Wombats Rugby League

Watch live sports on 8 TVs, cheap cold beer, great food, come along to meet new friends and have a swim, just enjoy yourself,

Wombat Bar is the Home of Rugby League in Thailand, The Pattaya Wombats Rugby League.

We also have large studio rooms for rent, Come down and visit us.



Smarter and Blacker...

Far East Rock re-opens after renovation

Link Here14th May 2013

Far East Rock is a GoGo at the Beach Road end of Soi 13/2 (Soi Yamato).

The bar has re-opened after a few weeks of renovation.

It is now a little smarter and blacker but pretty much as before.

There are now 82 GoGos in the Pattaya area with Thai girls dancing in Bikinis or less.



Extra Blu...

Club Blu sold to Pook Bar

Link Here13th May 2013

Club Blu on the corner of Soi Buakhao and Soi LK Metro has been closed ever since a police enforced closure a couple of months ago.

The bar has now been sold, and perhaps with a little bit of surprise, it has been sold to the Pook Bar team. This has been confirmed with staff at Pook Bar.

The group runs lady boy bars on Soi Buakhao and Soi 6. Pook Bar has flirted with girl coyote dancers upstairs at the Soi 6 venue, but once the boys move in, there is little chance for the girls.

So one has to guess that Soi LK Metro will soon have its first lady boy bar.



Fallen Star...

Jenny Star Bar closes on Walking Street

Link Here8th May 2013

jenny Star Bar is a well known lady boy bar nestling under the escalator to the Marine Disco.

The bar seems to have been caught up in the redevelopment of the Marine site so joins Doll House as a famous name being closed in the name of progress.



Halo Re-mounting...

Halo advertises for GoGo staff

Link Here7th May 2013

Halo is located on Walking Street about opposite Soi 14.

It started life as a disco, then tried the coyote club gig, then tried becoming a GoGo but none seemed to work and the bar closed in January of this year.

The bar now looks set for another try and is now advertising for GoGo staff.



A Traditional Kiss...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Kiss

Link Here6th May 2013

Kiss A-GoGo is located on Soi LK Metro near the Soi Buakhao end

Kiss is an old style GoGo perhaps similar to those to be found on Soi Post Office and Soi Yamato.

It tends to attract older locals, and older dancers. Probably predictable from the rock music (with videos) from the 70's and later.

The bar is a table dancing set up with about 3 - 5 girls dancing at any one time. The dancers cover all the the combinations of wearing skirts, knickers and bikini tops. There also seems a time in the evening before items of clothing can be dispensed with.

The bar isn't the most lively place as most customers seem to be nursing a lonely drink, but can be friendly enough if you make an effort. This maybe just a reflection on the number of customers preferring to sit alone. But as always I feel the bar would do better if the girls were more pro-active in searching out lady drinks.

Drinks prices are very reasonable.

I find the bar generally to be worth a look, but I am quick to cut my losses if there is nothing doing.



Doesn't Stand Out...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Glass House

Link Here3rd May 2013

Glass House A-GoGo is a new bar on Walking Street next door to Lucifer Disco and Ginza A-GoGo

The Glasshouse seems to be very popular with Japanese clientele. It's 100% coyote, but the bar fines aren't as pricey as some other coyote venues.

They have introduced a 75 Baht Draft beer which is good news. The lineup is average and the cute girls were on the stage downstairs. Upstairs they had only 3 girls dancing, but it was spacious and the bathrooms were right there.

I thought the service was good, but the girls definitely didn't seem too thrilled to have me in attendance.

I don't have anything great or bad to say about the place. I was the only person there who wasn't Japanese which is worth mentioning, but doesn't really matter much.



Already a Contender...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Sensations

Link Here1st May 2013

Sensations A-GoGo is in a prime location on Walking Street opposite Soi Diamond.

The bar is the talk of the town right now and for good reason. Their lineup is the best I have ever seen! I wouldn't dare toss that compliment out loosely either. I have seen a couple of places that have had just as talented a lineup, but I have never seen such a large roster of girls at this high level. They feature over 100 girls every night, and most of them are very pretty. The service is great and it's easy to get the girls' attention. The place is packed so it's not easy to find a seat. I don't actually think there are enough seats to justify such a huge roster of girls. But this winds up being a very good thing as long as you do find a seat, since the number of gentlemen in attendance is somewhat limited.

Sensations is pricey. The drink prices are about as high as it's going to get and I was quoted 1,500 baht for a bar fine, which goes down to 1,000 baht either at midnight or 1AM (there was some confusion about that). But I get it - they are extremely well staffed (possibly even over-staffed), so they are justified in charging more than other GoGo's.

The atmosphere was downright exciting and there were just so many good looking girls prancing around the place. The way the stages are positioned you can only see about half of the girls at a time, but they rotate. It remains to be seen whether or not they can keep up with the roster, but if they do Sensations is likely to be in everyone's top 3 GoGo's in Pattaya.



Good Early Night Warm-up...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: The Moon Club

Link Here30th April 2013

The Moon Club is a show bar located at the corner of Walking Street and Soi Diamond.

For once the people outside of a GoGo roped me in with a drink special. They were handing out 2 for 1 coupons, so I gave it a shot. The drink special was legitimate and I was given two draft beers for the price of 1 at 65 baht, which is the best deal on Walking Street. They might be having a little bit of trouble bringing in customers on an off-peak season weekday; its location is quite competitive. I was one of the only customers there while more than 30 girls were working. This is certainly not a complaint; I love it when the place is empty and I have my pick. The lineup of coyote girls was very average but there were a few cute girls, and with no other customers there it was easy enough to get their attention.

There were about 10 girls dancing on the stage at a time with the rest of the girls falling asleep scattered around the chairs and waiting for their turn to dance. It was a really slow night in there! After being there for 45 minutes and with a few guys now in attendance, they brought out the show girls. The 5 busty show girls did get nude and did perform. I know this place has a reputation for having ridiculous bar fines and I believe it's only these show girls who demand the very high rates. In my opinion they weren't as hot as other agency girls who command those types of prices. But they gave a good show none the less.

I had a really good time having drinks with two of the coyote girls. I was quoted 2,000 baht bar fine prior to midnight, but I was also told that it would be 1,000 baht after midnight. 2,000/3,000 ST/LT Obviously not worth it before midnight and still not a bargain after midnight, but if you get one of the cuter coyote girls there it's worth it. With the drink specials and the high girls to guys' ratio, you could have a really good time here for next to nothing as long as you don't bar fine.



Far from Rocking...

Far East Rock closes for renovation

Link Here27th April 2013

Far East Rock is located at the beach end of Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office).

It is reported that the bar has closed for renovation. The work is expected to take about a month.

In the meantime there are now 82 bars in Pattaya with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.

Saying that, there are now bars that are on notice of being demoted from the GoGo list on the grounds that dancers are wearing too many clothes.

Recent visits to Bada Bing and Ginza have been 100% coyote. The bars will be revisited to check for improvements in dress code before being relegated from the list.



Halo Slips...

Halo nightclub and coyote bar closes

Link Here26th April 2013

Halo is located on Walking Street towards the Beach Road end.

The bar has gone dark. Classy Inn on the floor above Halo has also closed. The venue may yet change to something new.

The venue has had a very poor track record of success. It was previously Snowice coyote bar and then GoGo, Voodoo A-GoGo, and the Nok beer bar complex.

Possibly the space is too narrow and the inner venues have always been set a long way back from Walking Street. First timers don't really like to venture too far from the safety of the crowd, whether it be going upstairs or down a long corridor.



Dark Blu...

Club Blu still closed

Link Here25th April 2013

Club Blu is located on the corner of Soi Buakhao and Soi LK Metro.

Club Blue was closed with a police notice announcing a 30 day closure from about 20th March.

The police order has now completed, and the bar could have re-opened a week ago, but didn't.



Below Par Bowling at Golden Gate Bar...

Not enough maidens, too many extra balls, and not enough close up fielders

Link Here24th April 2013

GOLDEN GATE bar is on the darkside of the darkside (down soi 9 off Khai Noi).

If one were playing Cricket, this bar is a major loser.

Wicket 1: half the staff are katoeys.

Wicket 2: the other half are less than friendly. .

Wicket 3: Drinks are over priced

Wicket 4: Charge 20 baht per game of pool w/o notice.

MAJOR LOSER even for the darkside............



Coconut Bar...

New for Soi 6

Link Here23rd April 2013

A new bar has got the publicity machine at PattayaOne working to produce a little news piece and video about a new opening on Soi 6.

The new Coconut Bar looks like a lean to in the space next to Soho Bar.

It seems a bit of shame to hijack the name 'Coconut Bar', hitherto this has been a nickname for the freelance scene on Beach Road.



Over Relaxxxed...

Club Relaxxx and Papa A-GoGo go dark

Link Here21st April 2013

Club Relaxxx has gone dark in the Covent Garden Complex on Soi 16. It pulled up the shutters on 11th April and some of the dancers moved across to PePe A-GoGo opposite.

The bar has opened and closed quite often seemingly opening in the hope of finding a long term buyer.

Meanwhile Papa A-GoGo has again closed on Soi Diana. It is part of Papagayo which continues as normal. The GoGo is said to be hoping to re-open in May.

So Pattaya's GoGo count drops to 83.



Mini Metro Walking Street...

More bars set for Soi LK Metro

Link Here17th April 2013

Stickman on Sunday mentioned that Angelwitch look set to open a branch on Soi LK Metro at the Bulldog Bar next to Champagne.

This adds to the current building work at the venue that was previously Lolita's. This will be called Crystal Club. It is reported that it will be a nightclub as opposed to a GoGo. It is reported that there are connections with Alcatraz.

Also up for redevelopment is Flandria Bar just by Lolita's. This is reported to be linked to Queen Club.

We now just need to convince Windmill or Baby Doll connections to make for a more complete range of bars in a mini version of Walking Street.



More Partying...

Bangkok police ask for 4am closing times

Link Here16th April 2013

Bangkok'sMetropolitan Police Bureau has proposed the extension as part of preparations for the Asean Economic Community (AEC) launch in 2015.

Deputy chief Pol Maj Gen Adul Narongsak said last week the bureau is preparing to submit the proposal to the Interior Ministry. The proposal seeks to amend the law controlling entertainment venues so bar and nightclub closing times can be extended.

University student Aitsaya Harakarn, 18, said later closing times could help cut crime.

Changing the closing time to 4am could reduce crime, particularly rape and robbery, because it will be morning by the time would-be burglars and rapists leave the bars, she said.

She believed they would be less likely to commit crimes after 4am because it is the start of a new day and some early-risers would already be up and about.



Beach Challenge...

Beach Club substantially reduces its prices

Link Here14th April 2013

The Beach Club is a table dancing GoGo located on Soi 15, just a few paces off Walking Street.

The bar has introduced a substantial price reduction. All basic drinks are now 95 Baht with draft beer being reduced to 59 Baht.

Lady drinks are now the lowest in Walking Street at 95 Baht and barfines are just 500 Baht.

It is not that the bar has been forced to take action as it is always reasonably popular. Perhaps it is more to do with identifying the opportunity to corner an upcoming market in those caught up by western economies doing their best to suffocate their economies to death.

Perhaps it is taking inspiration from the enormously popular Wetherspoons pubs in the UK that have established themselves as a major pub chain on the back of discount prices.



Updated The Crystal Ball Reveals...

The bar replacing Lolita's will be named Crystal Club

Link Here12th April 2013

The famed blowjob bar, Lolita's on Soi LK Metro, recently closed and was sold off.

It has now been announced that the bar will be named Crystal Club.. Initially it was assumed that this would be another GoGo, but now Pattaya forums are reporting that it will be a disco.



Annual Exodus...

Black Sheep proves the exception to the rule

Link Here11th April 2013

The annual exodus of the ladies has begun in earnest.

Hit a few darkside bars on Wednesday the 10th, only to be disappointed with what was on offer.

You'd think that the ladies who are not travelling (or not yet travelling ?) would be working harder while the competition is away, but that does not generally seem to be the case.

The exception was BLACK SHEEP on Soi Khao Noi. There seemed to be a full complement and they were working hard to please the steady stream of customers. Word must be passing about that this is the place to be in these pre-Songkran days. A tip of the hat to the ladies there.



Barren Baron...

Baron A-GoGo goes dark

Link Here8th April 2013

Baron A-GoGo is located on Soi Diamond near the Pratamnak end.

The bar closed in early April with the consensus from nearby staff that the closure is permanent.

The bar was a pretty standard GoGo when perhaps the remotish location dictated that it needed to find a niche.

Pattaya's GoGo count has now dropped top 85 bars with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.



From the Darkside...

KiK needs a kick while Mango may get juicy

Link Here7th April 2013

KiK is on Soi Khao Talo at the corner of Soi Khao Noi.

The previous review on Thai-Anxiety was apparently written 2-3 owners and 3-4 managers ago.

Today KIK is a shadow of its coyote days.

It's now a typical Darkside bar where the ladies lounge around until the customers come then continue to lounge around unless pressured to get off the couch.

Compared to many Darkside bars it is fairly large and well appointed with a number of comfortable and discrete couches; largely unused.

You know things are NOT going well when the lady doesn't even drink her LD; just lets the ice melt.

Seems that if you are not a chum of the Brit manager, you ain't.......

When the next owner takes over, he needs somehow to tap the potential that is not there now.

Updated: Things are looking up at Mango Bar

Word is that Phillipe of TELEPHONE bar is re-opening MANGO on SUNDAY 31st March

Telephone Bar is a very popular and very naughty bar that is hidden away in central Pattaya. It sounds very promising if the concept is able to transport itself successfully to the Darkside.

However the opening didn't happen as advertised, but still hoping for a Darkside Telephone Bar.



Still No 1 in Jomtien...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: We Are No 1

Link Here4th April 2013

We Are No 1 is located on Thappraya near where it turns into Jomtien Beach Road.

It was my first visit to the bar in ages. It was early evening and everything was pretty much as it has always been.

There were 5 girls dancing on stage. Perhaps a better line up than in previous years, with a couple of the girls being attractive and another dancing topless. Only 2 or 3 were make weights.

But as always the really problem with the bar is that there are hardly any girls left over to chat with the customers. On this visit there were 3 girls on hostess duty. They were sitting with customers, but by the time they have visited the loo and gone to the bar to get their lady drink, it was pretty much time for them to return to the stage for another long dance stint.

This gives the bar a very sad atmosphere as most customers are left sitting alone.  Some out of choice, and some because of the lack of hostessing girls.

But it is a totally inoffensive bar with friendly girls, cheap drinks and rock music videos.

And definitely still the number one GoGo in Jomtien.



Freelance Coyote Dancers...

FLB Bar goes coyote

Link Here3rd April 2013

FLB is located just by the Walking Street Tree

The hostess bar format is not as popular as it once was, so FLB are now trying out coyote dancers. The bar is starting off with a mix of salaried dancers and some expensive agency girls.



Blowing Hot and Cold...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: ByBlos

Link Here1st April 2013

Byblos is located on the corner of Soi Diamond and Pratamnak

I dropped by for a couple of late night sessions.

There were about half a dozen girls dancing dressed in the whole range of attire from bikini to nothing. The girls also spanned the whole range of attractiveness, from pretty to not.

After a number of songs the dancers were replaced by a second team, with about the same range of talents as the first team.

Actually variation is very much a characteristic of the bar. The customers are a mixed range from Farangland to Asialand.

The girls also offer a range of naughtiness, from very to not. It can be one of the naughtiest bars in Walking Street but it is not very consistent.

There is a very matriarchal mamasang who controls the experience of dancers and customers. Customer experience seems to hang on how much mamasang takes a shine to a customer, and of course how free flowing the drinks are in her direction.

It is a bit hard to recommend the bar, but if you are into the naughtier end of GoGo entertainment, then it is worth a visit to see if things pan out for you.

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