Movida closes for a rethink
 | 30th March 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Movida nightclub opened with entrances in Soi 14 and Soi 15 on 27th February. It has now closed a month later. There is a sign on the door saying Change for the Better: Opening Soon. Nightclubs can be a bit tricky in Pattaya. Recent
examples of Halo and New York, New York didn't really pan out as hoped. Before that, Republika and Hammer were notable failures.
Guugle goes temporarily dark
 | 30th March 2013
| 29th March 2013. Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Guugle show bar/coyote bar/GoGo is located on Walking Street above Champion A-GoGo Guugle is now dark but it is not yet clear whether this is permanent or else a temporary police closure. But for the moment there are 86 bars in the
Pattaya area with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less. Update: Back Soon 30th March 2013. The mamasang from Guugle was spotted in Iron Club and she revealed that the closure is temporary and Guugle is
expecting to re-open on 28th April.
Pattaya's first family pub taking shape
 | 27th March 2013
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Pattaya's first family pub is taking shape in the Avenue Mall on 2nd Road. It is the venue that was previously Shenanigans. The bar is being fitted out with a play area including climbing frames and the like. Not something I really expected
to see.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Bada Bing
 | 26th March 2013
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Bada Bing A-GoGo is located on Soi BJ, a few paces off Walking Street I visited at prime time on a weekday evening. There were just 4 dancers on the central stage but these included a couple of attractive girls. I had a look
round the bar but could not see any girls at all on hostess duty. There could have been another team hiding away in the dressing room, or else the bar was down to 4 dancers. When dancing girls are short then it is doubly noticeably that the wait
staff is male. Serving girls can double up as hostesses and keep customers entertained when dancers are few. There didn't seem much point to the bar. There simply weren't enough girls to entertain those customers who are seeking interaction. Any
customers not seeking interaction, who are entertained by attractive girls dancing, are likely to have sussed that several nearby bars offer far more pretty dancers to watch. A lot of bars in Pattaya have (perhaps with little choice) opted for the
model of filling a bar with attractive agency girls. This works well for many bars, but if a bar should go into decline then it finds that it has built up little loyalty, and few relationships that anchor customers and girls to the bar.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Las Vegas I and II
 | 25th March 2013
| Thanks to jj
Both Las Vegas I and Las Vegas II are located on Soi 13/1 (Soi Yamato). Re Las Vegas II & III Early afternoon visit, soon after opening; moderate number of ladies in each establishment (7-9) with a
range of options (young/old; slim/chubby) also a surprising number of customers at that hour, but not much interaction between dancers and customers. 2-3 ladies on stage doing 6 song sets, changing one dancer after 2-3 songs. Vast
majority were bikini clad; one topless; some with no knickers and a band-aid for a skirt. All were barely doing the fanny shuffle. Offered a lady a drink for her top; offer not taken. She did come to sit and flashed her boobs but
not much hands-on action among any of the customers even those who seemed to be greeted as regulars. Not sure why the common owner bothers with two establishments; nothing really to tell them apart. LV II is a shadow of its former
self (SEP 2011 review).
No more dancing at Classroom A-GoGo
 | 24th March 2013
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Classroom A-GoGo is a long running bar on Soi 13/4 (Soi Pattayaland 2) There are reports on the Pattaya forums that Classroom has given up on dancers. The bar now sports a few hostesses, but barfines are maintained at GoGo level. Even
before this latest news, Classroom A-GoGo has long been banished from the Thai-Anxiety GoGo listings for wearing way too many clothes. There hasn't been anything, even as revealing as a bikini top, for years. I don't know what they will be
studying at Classroom in the coming months, maybe economics and finance . Perhaps later on, a course in alternative sexuality.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Showgirls
 | 23rd March 2013
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Showgirls is a newish GoGo on Soi LK Metro. I dropped by to see the daytime shift, immediately after visiting the drear Lady Love. And what a difference. Showgirls was about half full with customers, not bad for the early hour. The layout of the bar is very cluttered and the extensive mirror wall adds to the visual confusion. However this doesn't nothing to harm the fun filled atmosphere. The mirrors reminded me of a fairground maze, all it needs is a little optical distortion.
The stage was occupied by a cast of coyotes that were generally smiling, checking out the audience, and interacting with some of the stage side customers. After a certain number of songs, there was a full change of dancing team. A full crew
of topless girls took over the entertainment. Meanwhile there was a group of guys in the back left corner of the bar who were monopolising the available hostesses. They were clearly having fun and with the girls perched on their laps. There
were also dancers doing good hostessing work amongst the customers in the stage side comfy seats. The bar could have done with a few more girls to keep even more of the customers happy, but the overall atmosphere was definitely that of customers
and girls enjoying a good time.
Club Blu closed by police order
 | 21st March 2013
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Club Blu is located on the corner of Soi Buakhao and Soi LK Metro. As a result of a police raid a few days ago, the bar is now closed with a notice announcing a 30 day closure from about 20th March.
Glamour A-GoGo becomes Glamour Club
 | 20th March 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Glamour A-GoGo at Bali Hai at the south end of Walking Street has abandoned the GoGo game. The bar has now re-branded itself as Glamour Club and describes itself as a discotheque and coyote club. This rather adds to the list of bars failures
where the intention is to be half GoGo, half nightclub. Presumably the idea is to maximise operating time by being a GoGo until a midnight and then a club thereafter. However the two types of entertainment are very difficult and it is difficult to find
staff and dancers who can adapt to both types. Other recent examples are New York New York, which is now closed and up for sale, and Halo, which has given up the GoGo half of its operations. There are now 87 bars in Pattaya with Thai girls
dancing in bikinis or less. |
 | 20th March 2013
Travel agency probed over sex shows for Chinese tour parties See article from english.peopledaily.com.cn |
A new GoGo on Pattayaland
 | 19th March 2013
| 18th March 2013. Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Night Lovers: The Club is a new bar on Soi 13/3 (Soi Pattayaland 1). There is a sign outside promising that it will be a GoGo and the boss has promised that the dancers will be ladies. Update: Coyote And indeed
the bar opened as planned on 18th March 2013. A first look revealed mostly coyote dancers, but at least they were ladies. Perhaps coyotes are now inevitable for the early days of a bar. Another check in a few days is required to see if it
will count towards the GoGo tally.
Continuing police raids
 | 18th March 2013
| 17th March 2013. See article from pattayadailynews.com
Police have raided Nui's Club 2 on Walking Street. They found three underage girls and arrested the bar manager as result. She was charged with human trafficking by receiving benefit through prostitution of a person over the age of consent 15
but under 18 years old. The police arrested the 16 year old dancer in the bar after an undercover man was sent to entrap her by pretending to offer to buy sex. After the arrest, police checked further and found 2 more girls aged 17.
Update: Naughty Girls Too Thanks to Henry The Police also visited Naughty Girls on Soi Diamond. Again the police had issues with under 18's, and a dancer from Laos. Things seem to have got sorted and the bar
is still open.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Lady Love
 | 16th March 2013
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Lady Love opened in December 2012 on Soi LK Metro opposite Champagne. I stopped by in early evening and it was a totally underwhelming experience. There were 3 other customers in the bar and 4 girls dancing on the centre stage. All the
girls were coyotes in tiny shorts and solid bras. They were about average with one girl that stood out from the crowd. At the end of a few songs a second team of 4 more coyotes took the stage. However the pretty girl didn't hang round to work the
audience, she changed up and took up her post outside as door bait. There girls seemed friendly enough with a few smiles from the stage and a couple trying their luck for a lady drink with customers. Happy hour drinks were reasonable at 75
Baht, which was a good job, as any more than that would have been very poor value for money. Average girls, not hands on, no show, no nudity...nothing.
New bars and old
 | 15th March 2013
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A new bar, Jesse's Joint, has opened at the venue that was previously MUM Bar on Soi Diamond. For years the venue was Paris A-GoGo, but hasn't found a long lasting follow on. After Paris it became Atlantis A-GoGo, and then MUM Bar which
tried both open air and aircon formats. Meanwhile on Soi 6, another long time bar, Superstar, has now been converted into a shop.
Police Raids on Soi Buakhao and Soi 6
 | 14th March 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Sugar Sugar and Club Blu were closed early a couple of nights ago as the result of police raids. Both clubs were hit at about 10:45pm. Sugar Sugar immediately re-opened later but Club Blu didn't. There was talk of a 30 day closure at Club Blu, but in
fact the bar re-opened after being dark for just one night. Another recent report was that Papa GoGo had closed on Soi Diana. And thankfully this turned out to be another short term problem. The bar has now re-opened. So now the Pattaya's
GoGo count as returned to 88 bars with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less. Meanwhile on Soi 6 police had been raiding bars for a few days on the pretext of bar licences stipulating opening hours only after 6pm. The licences have been this way
since time memorial so its nothing new. Resulting negotiations seem to have been successful as most of the soi has now resumed normal afternoon services, including drinking.
Police Raids on Soi Buakhao and Soi 6
 | 12th March 2013
| Thanks to Paul and Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Sugar Sugar and Club Blu were closed early last night as the result of police raids. Both clubs were hit at about 10:45pm. Sugar Sugar re-opened later but Club Blu didn't. There's talk of a 30 day closure. Meanwhile on Soi 6 police have
been raiding bars for the last 3 days on the pretext of bar licences stipulating opening hours only after 6pm. The licences have been this way since time memorial so its nothing new. Negotiations are underway, and it is expected that afternoon drinks
sales will soon return to normal.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Champion
 | 11th March 2013
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Champion A-GoGo is a long running Walking Street GoGo located near Soi BJ. I visited at prime time and there wasn't much doing. There were 5 or 6 girls dancing in black latex shorts and were mostly topless. None of the girls would be
expecting much in the way of barfine attraction. There didn't seem to much in the way of customer interaction either, possibly out of customer choice. The bar had a fair smattering of customers, but maybe more to do with inexpensive drinks
rather than for the selection of some female company. This was one of several bars that I visited that were scraping along on a minimal number of dancers. Bars need to offer pretty girls OR interactive fun OR else a show. The prospects look a bit
bleak for bars that offer none of these.
Lolita's to close
 | 10th March 2013
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Lolita's is a blow job bar on Soi LK Metro. It is rumoured that it will shortly be closing. The builders when then move in to turn the venue into another GoGo. Soi if you've always wanted to splash out and give it a try, then now is the
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Silver Star 2
 | 9th March 2013
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Silver Star 2 is located on Soi 7 towards the Beach Road end. I stopped by perhaps a little too early on a Sunday evening. There were 6 girls on stage at the time. There were some very attractive girls in the team, way beyond
expectations of a Soi 7/8 GoGo. The girls were also very revealingly costumed in a little skirt affair that covered nothing. Far better than many GoGos, particularly those relying on overdressed agency coyotes. Unfortunately there were not
many dancers left over for customer interaction duties, so not really worthwhile hanging out too long. A helpful service girl suggested that more girls will arrive later on. But I am a bit of sceptic. If one tries later on, then there are still likely to
be few girls. Equally helpful service staff will then claim that many girls have been barfined already! But nevertheless an attractive proposition for a couple of beers.
Papa A-GoGo closes
 | 8th March 2013
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Pattaya at Night is reporting that Papa A-GoGo has closed on Soi Diana. This is a small section of Papagayo coyote bar which is continuing. There are now 87 bars in the Pattaya area featuring Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Drinks prices on Walking Street
 | 7th March 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.pattayagogos.net (Japanese language)
Staff from Glamour have been handing out handbills with a promotion of all basic drinks being 90 Baht. This includes bottled beers, soft drinks, house spirits and lady drinks. Meanwhile Bada Bing seem to have ended their 55 Baht draft beer.
They have introduced a 90 Baht bottled Leo as a sort of replacement.
Nui's Club 2 re-opens after a short rework
 | 6th March 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of pattayagogos.net (Japanese version)
Nui's Club 2 A-GoGo has re-opened on Walking Street after a little re-work. So the GoGo count climbs a rung and there are now 88 bars in Pattaya with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less. Had there been one, a coyote bar count would
have dropped by one, after Dreams Bar closed on Soi 8. Meanwhile there's news on Pattaya forums that Shenanigan's has been sold and will soon re-open in the Avenue Mall as a family pub that caters for children. A first for Pattaya.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Ginza
 | 5th March 2013
| Review from Mike of stayinginthailand.com
Ginza A-GoGo is located on Walking Street nearly opposite Soi Diamond Ginza has a Japanese theme but they spent about as much money on their theme decor as a dragon roll would cost. There are more important things to worry
about than having an impressive look though. It's a very narrow club, almost uncomfortably narrow. There is an upstairs room but after enough girls get barfined they close it down, figure by 1AM every night.
They had a draft beer special and the girls seemed reasonable enough with their prices, so you're not going to get hit hard in the wallet here. The girls were very fun, but I can't say the talent was any better
than average and it could have been slightly below average. The girl I spent some time with was cute and had a great body, she was by far the prettiest girl there when I was there, but she was 30. I could care less and I even prefer a girl who is 30 over
20, but this should give you insight about where their recruitment stands in the pecking order. The best looking girl they have there, they probably only have her because of her age. I won't give a bad review for a place with good
service, decent prices, and fun girls; and Ginza certainly has all three. You can have a good time there and if you wind up there one night while you're Gogo hopping you'll be fine. But the roster isn't great and the place isn't comfortable, so it's not
a place you have to see.
The trendsetting Happy Group GoGos increase prices
 | 4th March 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of www.PattayaGoGos.net (Japanese language)
The Happy group bars are Baccara, Happy, Peppermint and Beach Club. The bars have now increased the all night price of draft beer from 59 to 65 Baht. Happy Hour drinks have risen from 65 to 70 Baht. Perhaps most notably, barfines
have increased from 600 to 700 Baht. There is much talk on the Pattaya forums, understandably suggesting that the 100 Baht increase will be soon be followed by other Walking Street GoGos. The Happy group is very dominant as it attracts more or
less the best dancers in town yet it sets drinks and barfine prices that are the most reasonable in town. And very noticeably the group keeps the barfine system very simple with a single price at all times except for festivities.
M*A*S*H A-GoGo closes on Soi LK Metro
 | 3rd March 2013
| News from Ishi
MASH A-GoGo is located on Soi LK Metro. The bar has now closed and it doesn't look promising for a quick return. The buzz is that the closure is related to police action where the connections haven't been able to sort things out. Staff
said the bar was now up for sale. The staff and dancers have moved to Submarine A-GoGo So there are now 87 bars with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Diamond
 | 2nd March 2013
| Review from Mike of stayinginthailand.com
Diamond A-GoGo is located at the centre of Soi Diamond. As mentioned previously this place is under new management. If you were a frequent visitor in the past like me, you'll probably remember that
Diamond had very high priced Agency models on select nights. So under the new management it appears as if that is done now. This place gets more crowded as the night goes on and it stays open late. I have been there when it
was very late and there was a lively crowd in there, but I'd prefer to go early because you have your pick of some pretty girls. The girls take turns on stage, one topless shift and then one coyote. The dancers don't bother you
unless you want them to and once you engage them they're fun. It's not an elite lineup but I think veterans would be pleasantly surprised by it. The prettiest girl quoted me 600 for bf and 2,000 for sort of a hybrid ST/LT. It was
early in the night at that point and she made it clear that for 2,000 she would stay with me for 4 or 5 hours but wanted to sleep on her own bed. They always have plenty of staff there so you never have to wait for a drink and the
atmosphere is good. Overall the prices aren't too bad, the girls are solid, and it's a nice enough comfortable place.
Nui's Club 2 closes for short rework
 | 27th February 2013
| Thanks to Ishi of pattayagogos.net (Japanese version)
Nui's Club 2 A-GoGo has closed on Walking Street for a little re-work. It is expected to re-open on 1st March 2013. The dancers will spend a couple of nights at the pussy tricks bar, Hooty's. So just for a couple of nights the GoGo count dips
to 88.
Irish themed restaurant and bar closes in the Avenue Mall
 | 24th February 2013
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It has been reported that the Irish themed restaurant and bar, Shenanigans has closed on the first floor of the Avenue Mall. There is a Jomtien branch by the Jomtien Complex that is continuing. The recent first floor revamp of the Avenue Mall
looks to have been something of a failure. A few Thai style bars gave it a try, but don't seem to have lasted long. The venue hasn't been in the news since moving across the road to the Avenue Mall. But the original location in the Marriott hotel
grounds (now Dicey Riley), was once very well known. It was the bar of choice for many of the socialites that attended Rotarian events and the like, that got covered in the local press.
Re-opened after renovation
 | 23rd February 2013
| Thanks to Ishi
Smile Rock Girls A-GoGo on Soi 15 has re-opened after a short refit. Also Bada Bing A-GoGo on Soi BJ has also re-opened after an equally short refit. So now there are now 89 bars with Thai girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Movida Pattaya nightclub set to open on Soi 14
 | 22nd February 2013
| Thanks to Ishi
Movida Pattaya nightclub is nearing completion on Soi 14. The buzz is that it isn't connected with clubs of the same name in London and Dubai. The venue was once a pussy tricks GoGo called Top Girls. It then tried a more swanky white club
like layout as Illusion Club. It wasn't a hit and the bar returned to its pussy tricks roots. This wasn't a success either, and the venue was left vacant for quite a while. Movida is set to open in about a week.
The Glass House A-GoGo opens on Walking Street
 | 17th February 2013
| Thanks to Ishi
The Glass House A-GoGo is located on Walking Street nearly opposite Soi Diamond and has Lucifer, Ginza and Nui's Club 2 as near neighbours. I saw over 30 dancers in the bar, and most of them were coyotes. There were no
topless dancers. There's one stage on the ground floor. 6 dancers were on the stage at any one time, and one dancer changes each song. When it gets full downstairs, there is another
bar area and stage upstairs that will be opened. The bar opens at 8pm. There is no happy hour, nor draft beer.
- Soft drinks : 90 Baht
- Lady drinks : 140 Baht
- Bar Fines : 1000 Baht (after midnight 700 Baht)
The co-owners are Japanese and American. This is their first bar but they have a plan to open another bar later in the year. There are now 89 GoGos in the Pattaya area with at least some Thai girls regularly
dancing in bikinis or less.
Followed by rest and relaxation in Pattaya
 | 16th February 2013
| See article from
The opening ceremony for the internatio0nal Military exercise Cobra Gold 2013 was held in Chiang Mai on 11th February. Service members from 15 nations attended the ceremony. The military representatives are participating in Cobra Gold to develop greater
interoperability among forces, improve relationships and further develop the ability to solve regional challenges. The exercise, which ends Feb. 21, will improve the capability to plan and conduct combined-joint operations and will provide an
opportunity for partner nations to build relationships and improve interoperability across the range of military operations. The Exercises kicked off in the vicinity of Pattaya on Thursday so no doubt those taking part will soon get the chance for
some rest and relaxation in Pattaya's bars.
And Russian Cabaret opens on Walking Street
 | 14th February 2013
| Thanks to Ishi
Russian Cabaret has opened on Walking Street opposite Soho Square. European girls were dancing in the showcase window like Galaxy Cabaret. The sign board of the bar says that its name is Russian Cabaret , but a hand bill that
they are giving out says that its name is Show Girls . Another dancing bar with East European girls is set to open next door but one to Russian Cabaret. Deja Vu will open in 2 weeks. See following article for news of the GoGo
A change of definition for the GoGo count
 | 14th February 2013
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Due to a reluctance to research the extortionately prices bars with East European dancers I have decided to omit these bar from the GoGo list. The GoGo count now includes only Pattaya area bars with at least some Thai girls regularly dancing in
bikinis or less. This is the current list of 88 bars matching the new definition.
Name | type | location |
Air Port Club | GoGo | Walking St
| Alcatraz A-GoGo | GoGo | Walking St | Angelwitch | Show Bar | Walking St: Soi 15 | Babydolls A-GoGo | GoGo | Walking St:
Soi 15 | Baccara | GoGo | Walking St | Bada Bing A-GoGo | GoGo | Walking St: Soi BJ | Baron Club A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi Diamond
| Beach Club | GoGo | Walking St: Soi 15 | Byblos GoGo Bar | GoGo | Soi Diamond | Casnovy | GoGo | Walking St |
Champagne | GoGo | Soi LK Metro | Champion | GoGo | Walking St | Clinic A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi 7 | Club
Misty's | GoGo | Walking St: Soi 15 | Club Nevada | GoGo | Soi Post Office | Club Oasis | GoGo | Soi Buakhao | Club Relaxxx
| GoGo | Covent Garden | Diamond | GoGo | Soi Diamond | Far East Rock | GoGo | Soi Post Office | Farenheit A-GoGo | GoGo
| Walking St | Fun Seeker Dance Club | GoGo | Soi 6 | Gentlemen's Club | GoGo | Soi Diamond | Ginza | GoGo | Walking
St | Glamour A-GoGo | GoGo | Bali Hai | Guugle | GoGo/Coyote | Wlaking St | Happiness A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi 7 |
Happy | GoGo | Walking St | Heaven Above | GoGo | Soi Diamond | Hooty's | Pussy Tricks | Walking St | Hot & Cold
| GoGo | Soi Post Office | Hot Girls | Pussy Tricks | Walking St | Iron Club | GoGo | Walking St | Kiss A-GoGo | GoGo
| Soi LK Metro | Kitten Club | Mixed Ladyboys | Soi Pattayaland 2 | Lady Love | GoGo/Coyote | Soi LK Metro | Las Vegas II GoGo |
GoGo | Soi Yamato | Las Vegas III GoGo | GoGo | Soi Yamato | Lek's Classroom | GoGo/Coyote | Soi 2 | Light House A-GoGo |
GoGo | Walking St | Living Dolls Showcase | Show Bar | Walking St | Mandarin Club | Short Time Bar | Soi 6 | Mandarin Walking St
| GoGo | Walking St | MASH A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi LK Metro | Miami A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi 13/2 | Moon Club | Show Bar |
Walking St | Naughty Girls | GoGo | Soi Diamond | New Living Dolls One | GoGo | Walking St | New Star | GoGo | Soi
Diamond | Nui's Club 2 | GoGo | Walking St | Office A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi LK Metro | Papa GoGo | GoGo | Soi Diana |
Paradise A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi LK Metro | Passion Dance Club | GoGo | Soi 6 | Pe Pe Club A-GoGo | GoGo | Covent Garden |
Peppermint Palace | GoGo | Walking St | Playgirls | Pussy Tricks | Walking St | Private Dancer A-GoGo | GoGo | Walking St: Soi 15
| Queen Club | GoGo | Soi LK Metro | Rhino A-GoGo | GoGo | Walking St | Rocket | Pussy Tricks | Soi Diamond |
Roxy A-GoGo | GoGo | Walking St | Sapphire A-GoGo | GoGo/Coyote | Walking St: Soi 15 | Sea | GoGo | Soi Diamond |
Sensations | GoGo | Walking St | Sexy A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi 7 | Sexy Girls A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi 8 | Shark
Club A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi Diamond | Showgirls | GoGo/Coyote | Soi LK Metro | Silver Star | GoGo | Soi 8 | Silver Star 2 |
GoGo | Soi 7 | Silver Star 3 | GoGo | Walking St | Smile Girl's A-GoGo | GoGo | Walking St: Soi 15 | Spanky's | GoGo |
Soi Diamond | Submarine A-GoGo | GoGo | Soi LK Metro | Sugar Baby | GoGo | Walking St | Sugar Sugar | GoGo/Coyote | Soi
LK Metro | Super Baby | GoGo | Soi Diamond | Super Girl | GoGo | Soi Diamond | Sweetheart's | GoGo | Walking St |
Tahaitian Queen 1 | GoGo | Beach Road | Tiger Club A-GoGo | GoGo | Walking St | Tim | GoGo | 2nd Road | Upstairs A-GoGo
| GoGo | Walking St | We Are No 1 | GoGo | Jomtien | What's Up Playgirls | Show Bar | Walking St: Soi 15 | Windmill Club |
GoGo | Soi Diamond | World Wide | GoGo | Beach Road | X Zone | GoGo | Covent Garden |
Diamond A-GoGo changes hands
 | 8th February 2013
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Diamond A-GoGo is a long time GoGo on Soi Diamond. The GoGo has now changed hands. The bar seems to be targeting a late night crowd and runs from 9pm until 4:30am or later. The bar has introduced a good happy hour from 9 until 11pm when
beers are 80 Baht and spirits 90 Baht.
Sapphire Club introduces a play mat
 | 6th February 2013
| Thanks to Ishi
Sapphire Club is a GoGo located at the bend of Soi 15. The bar has now introduced a play mat stage. There were two naked girls playing there and they were doing a show along the lines of Windmill and Baby Dolls.
A new GoGo on Walking Street
 | 5th February 2013
| Thanks to Ishi
Sensations A-GoGo takes over from Cavern A-GoGo on Walking Street opposite Soi Diamond. There are two stages in a large bar. About 10 dancers were on each stage at any one time and they changed every 15 minutes.
I saw about 60 dancers in the bar and over 80% of them were coyotes. It was impossible to select the best seats because the bar was just about full with customers. No draught beer, soft
drinks are 110B, bottled beer is from 135B and Lady drinks are 150B. Sensations in the 90th bar in Pattaya with at least some girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Sensations A-GoGo to open shortly on Walking Street
 | 1st February 2013
| Thanks to Ishi
Sensations A-GoGo has now set up a recruiting desk an is targeting an opening on 4th or 5th February 2013. The GoGo takes over from The Cavern A-GoGo. It has been completely renovated and includes the space previously used by Honey Beer Bar.
The Dollhouse closes for redevelopment
 | 29th January 2013
| 25th January 2013. Thanks to Ishi
The Dollhouse is a long running GoGo located under the Marine Disco on Walking Street. The bar has now closed in its current location. It is reported that the whole ground floor area is being redeveloped and that the Dollhouse will move
forward to open directly on Walking Street. In the meantime some of the dancers will move to sister bar Living Dolls Showcase. So now there are 89 GoGos in Pattaya with girls dancing in bikinis or less. Update:
The End 29th January 2013. From Pattaya Talk The latest update is that the lease for the Dollhouse has been terminated by the Marine Group and that the closure is
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Rhino
 | 27th January 2013
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Rhino A-GoGo is located towards the southern stretch of Walking Street. I have had mixed experiences at Rhino with a seemingly random chance of a worthwhile visit. There are generally just 4 or 6 girls dancing who are probably about
average in the Pattaya pecking order. There's usually a few girls that are worth a look. There is also a Jacuzzi feature, but I have rarely seen it make much of an impact with the customers. In terms of interaction, the bar is very hit and
miss. I have found friendly girls on some occasions, but not on others. It is probably left to the girls to decide how they want to play it, with little direction from the bar management. Prices are generally reasonable in the bar. Its a
bar that I measure in terms of probabilities rather than absolutes. I rate it as having about a 33% chance of having a good time there.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Sugar Baby
 | 23rd January 2013
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Sugar Baby A-GoGo is a newly opened bar on the corner of Walking Street and Soi 14. I stopped by at prime time during peak season. I found the bar to be surprisingly close in style and format to Windmill. I rather assumed that the
Walking Street location would mean a different customer base and hence a different way of working. The bar hadn't really taken off in terms of quantity of customers nor girls. There were half a dozen dancing of which a couple would have turned a
few eyes. They were topless or bikini clad. The girls were following the good Windmill dance pattern of a complete shift change between the two teams after a minimal amount of songs. As per Windmill, the girls were making an effort to seek
out customers interested in a little hands on fun. I had to break up an attempt at double teaming but the girl I chose of the two was good company and made for a pleasant visit. Not quite firing on all cylinders yet, but the concept of being a
Windmills 2 is an attractive addition to the options on Walking Street.
Lady Love starts an afternoon shift
 | 22nd January 2013
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Lady Love is a newish, mostly coyote bar on Soi LK Metro. The bar has just introduced early opening at 4pm. There is also now a happy hour until 9pm when bottled beers and house spirits are 75 Baht.
Rumours at the Dollhouse
 | 21st January
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The Dollhouse A-GoGo has been around for as long as I can remember in its venue underneath the Marine Disco on Walking Street. Rumours have been knocking round for a few weeks about an impending closure. It seems likely that these rumours have
been foretelling a shut down for maintenance and refurbishment. But there are also rumours that this will entail a temporary change of venue, or even a permanent change of venue and there's also talk of a permanent closure. I guess
something will happen, but I know not what, and I'm not even sure of that.
Pattaya Bar Reviews: Nice Bar at the VIP Bar Centre
 | 20th January 2013
| Thanks to Malcolm
The VIP Bar Centre on Naklua Road is opposite side to the Barracuda Bar, about 20 yards up. They are all open bars, with about another dozen bars behind. The front 8 bars from the left are Strip Bar, Nice Bar, Lucky Bar, TA &
BU Bar, Bamboo Bar, Pure Apple Bar, Honey Bar and Best Friend Bar. The Nice Bar isn't the cheapest with Singha at 90B but it has some very nice girls dancing on podium and the bar wearing extremely short skirts.
Pattaya Bar Reviews: Barracuda
 | 19th January 2013
| Thanks to Malcolm
Barracuda Bar and Guesthouse is located on the Naklua Road in the bar area north of Dolphin Island. I stayed at the Barracuda Bar, Naklua Road for my last 8 days. The rooms are good. Only downside is the music from the bar which
can go on till 3am some nights. No good if you retire early. A standard room is 700B. They do have a VIP room at 850B which has all new furniture and personal gold package True cable box. The bar is always
busy later in the afternoon and in the evening. Tony the UK owner and his Thai wife host parties regularly. Happy hour Singha 55B and 70B in the evening. Lady drinks are a very reasonable 95B. Always a good selection of girls there, most of them very
pretty. I counted 16 girls on the Friday when there was a party on. They have stopped serving food but you can order from nearby restaurants.
News from Glamour and Halo
 | 18th January 2013
| Thanks to Ishi
The intermittent Glamour A-GoGo at Bali Hai has again gone dark. This time for the last 3 nights. The staff at the next unit said: It will re-open on 19 January. Whilst on Walking Street Halo has already been reported as having closed its
GoGo section. However the club has been trying to get its act together, so it is not quite a permanent closure yet. The dancers however have moved on. Some have been spotted in Sugar Baby and some in Private Dancer.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Mandarin Walking Street
 | 16th January 2013
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Mandarin is a newish GoGo located at the corner of Walking Street and Soi 14. I stopped by at peak time in peak season. The bar was nicely decorated, but the Mandarin theme is entirely incidental. The more memorable 'theme' is that it
is more or less exactly the same as the sister bars of Shark, Tiger, Fahrenheit and Lighthouse. There were quite a few dancers, maybe 8 or 10 on the central stage. It was an unimpressive line up, almost entirely filled with coyote dancers. They
have though reduced the coyote uniform down to tiny shorts and a solid bra. (Why can't agency girls dance in bikinis anyway?). Not much to write home about but things did look up after a change of dance team. The replacement team were nearly all
gogo dancers in bikinis and less. A far more attractive bunch or girls. There were 2 dance teams in the bar, switching after an overly long set. I don't know why the teams were split, one coyote, one gogo. Surely it would have been better to mix
them up a bit and ensure that there was a little nudity at all times. The Mamasang was Ms Tina Turner who was doing her usual firm but fair job. She was being particularly firm with a customer, ensuring that he knew there was to be
absolutely no negotiation down from the mandatory 2000 ST/ 3000 LT dictate. Her pencil was jabbed into her notepad several times to affirm that this is what her rule book demanded. Overall it is another totally generic bar in the successful
family. It has very little individuality or character, and will live or die almost entirely according to the quality of the girls on stage.
Pattaya Bar Reviews: Drinking Street and Honey Bar 1 and 2
 | 15th January 2013
| Thanks to Malcolm
Drinking Street I'm sure there are more smaller bars there now. It looks like they have cut the bars in half. From 2nd Road on the left is U Too Bar, Nooky Bar, Frog Bar 2, No 1 Bar, Love You
Long Time, Ooh La La,, Jolly, Choup Choup, and Lucky. On the right are Geordie Bar 2, Rita, Happy, Party Palace, Shadow, Farang Connection, Yupin, Karacha, and Nuch & Ice. There are 8 more bars to the
rear of these on the raised up section. Ziggy's Bar has gone from Drinking Street. Ziggy's web site is still running showing the old larger bar.
Honey Bar 1 & 2
Honey Bar 2 is on Naklua Road opposite the Barracuda Bar. Open fronted Bar with free pool and darts. All beers are 55 B until 6pm and then Singha is 70B. Just
down the Road in the VIP Bar Centre is Honey Bar which is same owner/management. Get a drink card stamped when you buy a beer and your 10th drink is free.
Pattaya Bar Reviews: Wonderful 1 and 2, A-Team Club and Happy Bar
 | 14th January 2013
| Thanks to Malcolm
Wonderful 1 & 2 The 2 bars are located on 2nd Road at the corners or Soi 13/1 and Soi 13 Wonderful 2 is a bar that doesn't change much. Even the daytime staff are the same ones as when I was here last
May. Still keeps busy though. The Only difference since your last review are the prices. Up to 7 pm, Leo & Chang 45 B, Singha 50 B and San Mig & Heineken 55 B. Pretty much
the same at Wonderful Bar 1, which has the same prices.
A-Team Club Came across another bar on Soi Xzyte. About 200 yards up from the Triangle Bar on the Left. Its
called the A-Team Club. The sign says private discrete hostess bar. It opens at 12 noon. Went in around 2pm. 1 guy behind bar served me a there was a girl there sorting the empty bottles. I was the only one in the place. Drunk up
and left. I went back about 7-30pm. This time there were 3 girls sat outside. 1 of them came in with me and got my drink for me and then she went back outside leaving me and 3 other customers sat alone with the same guy behind the
bar. I don't know if or when the hostesses start. There were a couple of tables on the far side that could be curtained off. Drunk up again and left. Maybe something happens later in the evening but why open at 12 noon?
All local beers 55B.
Happy Bar Just opened on Soi Buakhao opposite the Butcher's Arms It's a small open, purpose built bar with a pool
table. No prices advertised but an orange juice was 60B.
Pattaya police raiding bars and apparently enforcing no smoking laws
 | 13th January 2013
| See article from
Pattaya Police were out in force around the city on Friday Night and the early hours of Saturday morning as part of a 30 day campaign of raids and searches. Police were checking entertainment complexes inflicting random drug tests and ID checks.
And perhaps more interestingly to many people, anti-smoking laws which prohibit smoking inside enclosed air-conditioned venues, are now also being enforced.
Openings and closings on Walking Street
 | 12th January 2013
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Halo had been attempting to re-invent as a bar with GoGo dancers but the last time I passed the inner dancing bar was closed. The outer open bar was still open though. The venue has been a tough sell as a dancing bars with failures as Snowice and
Voodoo. It is not clear whether the closure was a hiccup, or whether there will be another plan B for the bar. Meanwhile the Pier Disco has opened in the building that most recently housed Polo, Cosy and Lollipop A-GoGo. Galaxy has found a
new home as part of the Pier and resumes with its very expensive East European dancing girls. And the net result is that there are still 90 bars with girls dancing in bikinis or less.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Queen Club
 | 11th January 2013
| From Billy Baht
Queen Club has quickly established itself at the centre of Soi LK Metro. I was enticed in by the 60 baht Draft beer sign. Yeah I like a bargain Staff is efficient, quickly finding you a seat and taking
your order. The draft beer was a large mug and tasted great (sorry I forget which brand it was) Now for the good part- the girls were really dancing, some great moves and making eye contact with the customers like they actually
enjoyed working there! One little spinner in particular had fantastic timing and she moved so well that I would go back just to watch her, she was that good! Then there was a show, a tallish Thai girl that did an acrobatic show on the chrome pole that
seemed to defy gravity. She clutched the pole with leg and or arm pressure and her gig was nothing short of amazing. I heard several Bloody hell! comments from the crowd. I have no idea about take away or ladydrink prices,
but the eye candy was to my taste- free! Compliments to Queen's management
Spider Girl and Carre Blanc
 | 10th January 2013
| Thanks to Malcolm
Spider Girl Bar is located on Pattaya Soi 6 perhaps a third of the way down from 2nd Road. Its an open corner bar with pool table and S/T rooms upstairs. 300B for room, 1000B for girl. Orange
juice and lady drink added up to 190B. Half decent on suite room.
Carré Blanc is located on 3rd Road: Soi 33. This is Just north of Pattaya South Road. Pretty much a
B/J bar. One end of room was curtained off for blow jobs. Not private though, there were 3 guys getting entertained. 500B for girl, 300B to bar. 130B for lady drink and 50B for Singha
News and reviews from around Soi Buakhao
 | 9th January
| Thanks to Malcolm
The St George & Dragon, once on Soi Chayapoon is now on Soi Xzite about 100 yards up from the Triangle Bar on the left hand side. Its a modern purpose built bar, not very big with a patio. Air con, pool table. It has a British Army theme,
one display cabinet for the Para Reg and one for the Marines. Two statues of St George outside. The girl there said it had been open for about seven years. At 7-30 pm I was the only customer. Singha 55B. Good toilets. Last time I was hear the Armageddon Bar
was having a refit. That's all finished now, the wall has gone. The bar itself has been extended back and all new furniture inside. Good new toilets. Johnny Depp is back. I got close up to him and he must be over 8 feet tall. Singha 55B happy hour
and 70B in the evening. Called in Showgirls , Soi LK Metro this afternoon about 3-00 pm. Around 12 customers. Dancers were in shorts and tops, not much flesh on display. Draught Chang 60B. Interesting toilets, the urinals are in the shape
of open mouths. I was tempted to take a photo of them but decided it might not be a good idea. New bar opening on Soi Buakhao, called Happy Bar Soi 1. Its opposite the Butchers Arms. Small open bar. Looks set to open in next couple of days.
Not sure where the Soi 1 fits in unless its the short bit of road at the side of it leading to the waste ground at the rear. I'll look back in a couple of days.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Far East Rock
 | 8th January 2013
| Thanks to Malcolm
Far East Rock is located near the Beach Road end of Soi 13/2 (Soi Post Office) Called in Far East Rock today on Soi 13/2. Totally different from my last visit in May. The bar had just opened and some
strange ritual. Going in which all the staff banged an ashtray or drink bin on a table or the edge of the stage whilst a naked girl ran around the bar about 3 times with a glass of something and dabbed some of the liquid on the other girls hands and all
the tables. This ritual ended with the girl sticking her bare arse out of the door curtain and emptying the glass between her legs into the street. Ritual over back to normal. 8 girls on duty, all half decent, 3 dancing. Called
one girl over to sit with me and had a pleasant 20 mins with her till she had to go dance. Draught beer 60B. Lady drink 110B. As I said last time I was there it must have been a bad day
Showgirls starts daytime opening
 | 7th January 2013
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Showgirls is a recently opened dance bar on Soi LK Metro. The bar has now started an afternoon shift starting at 2pm. The bars has introduced reduced drinks prices until evening operations commence at 8pm.
Pattaya Bar Reviews: The Rest Stop
 | 5th
January 2013
| Thanks to Malcolm
There is a new(ish) bar on Soi Chayapoon, about halfway down on the right towards 3rd Road. Its called the Rest Stop and its been open 11 months. Owned by an American guy called David. His manageress/housekeeper is Or. There are
apartments above which have been open much longer. David is a very pleasant guy and if you have an interest in motorbikes (real ones, not Japanese missiles) you will have a good chat with him. Food can be delivered from nearby
restaurants. Drinks are very reasonable at 55B for Singha, 50B for Leo all the time, other drinks similarly priced. I don't know why he hasn't got a sign outside advertising his prices.
Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Paradise
 | 3rd January 2013
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Paradise A-GoGo is located in Soi LK Metro I stopped by early evening just before Christmas. It was my first visit since the recent change of management. I'd read a few mixed reviews about the venue so I thought I would look for myself.
As it turns out I could see where both sides of the debate were coming from. The bar was doing a decent trade. There were 4, then 5 girls dancing on the central stage with a mixed dress code from bikini down to nothing. There were 2 or 3
attractive girls on show amongst the perfectly respectable line up. Perhaps in the previous reincarnation of the bar there were a few more cuties, so generating some of the more negative comments. But on the positive side, the girls seemed to be
friendly and approachable, there is a chatty manager and the place had an amiable atmosphere. Drinks are cheap and the girls are keen to go. So maybe a little more modest than before, but still a good place to visit. And the bar still has more
nudity on show than most LK Metro Bars, which seem to have to put up with a high percentage of coyote dancers.
New bars and GoGos: Glass House, Pussy Club and Paradise on the dark side
 | 2nd January 2013
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Walking Street's latest GoGo, Glass House is now set to open. It is located next door to Ginza A-GoGo, itself next door to Nui's Club 2. Over on the Dark Side, Paradise Bar is set to open with a party today. The bar is re-opening under new
management and promises to have many girls on hand. It is located on Soi Khao Noi. There's also a notable new bar set to open on Soi 6 on Saturday 5th January. The guys behind Pattaya Addicts forum have done well with the recently acquired Night
Wish Bar, and it has become a popular open drinking/chatting bar. The old Amsterdamaged bar has now being bought by the guys, and it will be renamed as Pussy Club. However this will be a traditional indoor Soi 6 bar with dim lights, privacy, and more
emphasis on chatting to girls rather than mates.
Walking Street suffers major power cut just after the new year countdown
 | 1st January 2013
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Walking Street suffered a major power cut shortly after the countdown to 2013. Engineers turned up to put it more or less right by 1am but it wasn't entirely fixed for some until 2am. There have been a few wild guesses as to the cause with
some blaming an unsubtle shutdown by police and others suggesting excess electricity demand due to the new year celebrations. Perhaps a substation suffered a firework up its jacksie