Pattaya Nightlife News and Reviews

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30th November   

What a Performance...

Performance Bar re-opens on Walking Street
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The shutters went up at the central Walking Street bar earlier this month.

But now the bar has made an interesting return to the variety of Walking Street.

There were half a dozen dancing boys lined up in front of the bar. They were kitted out along the lines of a gay bar. But perhaps they were targeting the many lady visitors wandering by. I didn't stop to ask.


29th November   

Gone Coyote...

Pattaya Bar Reviews: Byblos
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Byblos Club is located on the corner of Soi Diamond and Pratamnak Road

ByBlos has re-opened its downstairs bar as a coyote bar. The windows have become clear, albeit darkened, and the girls have donned the usual coyote shorts, bra and top.

As per the norm for a coyote bar, the non dancing girls weren't the slightest bit interested in hostessing for the customers. They either fled outside to assist with welcome duties or else found a quiet spot at the opposite side of the bar to preen themselves.

There were 3 girls dancing at anyone time, nice enough looking, but no competition for girls with less clothes in other bars

The draft beer was very cheap at 45 Baht but it was still a waste of money. I think the only way coyote bars seem to work well is when customers generally arrive in groups and keep their own company. Then the dancing girls just make for nice bar decoration.

The upstairs bar was quite well attended with couples watching the pussy tricks show mixed in with gogo dancing.


28th November   

Early Days for New Licensing Hours...

Closing time police explain the new hours
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Thursday Night was the first night that new bar zoning regulations around Pattaya came into force which permits bars in some unspecified areas to legally open until 3am.

Provincial Police from Chonburi headquarters along with Pattaya Police conducted extensive spot checks on bars in the South Pattaya area including Walking Street just after 3am to ensure that the venues were complying with the new regulations.

Outside of the main zone, bars are permitted to open until 2am.


27th November   

First Again...

First A-GoGo set to return tonight
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First A-GoGo is located at the back of a beer bar complex on central Soi 8. Easily spotted when there are welcome staff.

After a now show as a straight sports bar, First Bar is return to a GoGo format.

If all goes to plan, then Pattaya's GoGo count continues in ascent to 77. [corrected from 76]


26th November   

A Good Time...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Passion
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Passion Dance Club is located towards the Beach Road end of Pattaya Soi 6.

My visits to this club were enjoyable, and the place rates a return on my next trip to Pattaya........First, Heineken is cold, cheap 60B..... Second, I found the dancers attractive and eager on all of my visits.........Third, showers within the rooms upstairs, versus shared.....

One girl in particular, remembered me from a visit when I just had beer.......told her I'd return, and sure enough, was ready and waiting for me when I came back........gave me quite a experience upstairs....possibly the best on my whole vacation........

I do believe the better looking girls will go for the guys who are not fat, old, and balding........being trim and fit, I had 3 dancers going for me at one time on one visit.......maybe the word got around that I tipped well.

It may be my first stop when I return in January.


22nd November   


First impressions of Fahrenheit A-GoGo
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Fahrenheit A-GoGo has just opened on the landward side of Walking Street, a couple of doors away from Soi 15.

I visited on a very busy Friday night and the bar seemed pretty packed with customers.

The bar is smaller on the inside than perhaps you would expect from the outside. There is comfortable bench seating around the sides of the bar and stools at stage side. And for future expansion there is an upstairs area not in use on my visit.

There is a narrowish central stage running the length of the bar and it had plenty of decent looking dancers amongst the 15 on stage. 12 out of the 15 were bikini clad but 3 girls at the front were baring all, perhaps they were show girls.

At a change of shift all of the dancers departed the stage and were replaced by another team. So plenty of girls on hand.

Several girls were entertaining customers so it looks quite a friendly place too.

I found it a rather manic atmosphere lots of girls milling round being shooed out of seats as customers were piling in.

Actually at a toilet break I realised that the bar was not as crowded as it first appeared as the bank end of the bar was deserted. There were a couple of reasons for this, all of the naked girls were strictly pinned to the front end of the stage, no doubt to give a good impressions as customers stepped through the door. Views from the back end of the bar were strictly bikini clad.

Also the stage side seating seems to block the passage ways a bit (like Iron) so it is a little bothersome to push past everyone to the seats at the back.

The drinks prices are in the reasonable range for a lively bar and there is the traditional cheap draft.

Anyway the bar has worked up quite a lively atmosphere in a relatively short space of time so all bodes well.


21st November   

Manic Monday...

A Saunter Around Soi Buakhao
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Mondays are apparently fun days at the go-go and coyote bars around the Soi Buakhao / Soi LK Metro area. A tour of the area's three go-gos and Club Blu found a surprising number of people out — and also a hint that the Bangkok-based police crackdown is being felt at Oasis, Champagne and The Office.

Ready for Inspection

Club Oasis neon

I   It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my funday
My I don't have to runday
It's just another manic Monday

Oasis around 9:30 p.m. was rammed, with nearly every seat occupied. The bar seemed a touch lighter than usual on talent, but a number of girls seemed to have their hands full.

As per the norm, the crowd appeared to be the older, expat variety, but there were a few groups of younger lads, looking as if they were on a break from Afghanistan security jobs. They, of course, were swarmed by the high-so-wannabe showgirls.

While the pretties still wriggled their assets nude or partially so, the amount of clothing worn by the regular dancers was notable. Every single dancer was fully covered in bra and bikini, leading to suspicions there was a heavier police presence in the neighborhood than usual.



Got to be to work by nine
And if I had an air-o-plane
I still couldn't make it on time
'Cause it takes me so long
Just to figure out what I'm gonna wear

That was confirmed by the next stop at The Office, LK Metro's newest bar. About 10 minutes into a visit, the white lights flashed, the music stopped and the half-dozen, half-dressed dancers sprinted for the dressing room.

No police plodded through the door and the clothes came back off as the music went up, but the long arm of the law is obviously reaching past Walking Street.

For the record, The Office is still largely dreadful. Why the bar was about two-thirds full on a Monday night leads one to speculate that its clientele must prefer old, fat single mothers. Diligent fun seekers, however, can still find one or two needles in the haystack.

Dreaming of a Hunk

Champagne motif

I was just in the middle of a dream
I was kissin' Valentino

The selection was immensely better several doors down at Champagne, which was positively rammed with both punters and lookers. Unfortunately as increasingly the case at Champagne, the best-looking girls huddled in the back or only feigned interest at the few hunky guys around, all around age 25. The bar's core constituency of older residents have to make due with second-tier dancers or watching the goings-on alone.

Admittedly, however, there was a lot to watch. Nudity seemed less of a problem here, but the fully-clothed coyotes do seem to be getting more central-stage time than in the past, which is not a positive sign. The big-baht, small-reward coyotes are better relegated to the side tables.

Iron Magnet

Club Blu front

 By a crystal blu Italian stream  

Coyotes, of course, are the stock in trade at Club Blu, but, sadly, the quality of that stock continues to decline. Once a magnet for some of Pattaya's hottest girls, Blu's change in ownership and a revamped dancer salary system sparked an exodus of talent management still hasn't reversed. Instead of paying salaries, the bar switched to a system where it only pays dancers a cut on drinks and barfines.

As a result, many of the girls departed for the likes of Iron Club on Walking Street. While they have to bare all, the Insomnia disco-like atmosphere and music, not to mention its huge fat salaries and huge base of potential barfines, make it the biggest draw around for Pattaya's top talent.

Perhaps that's why on what was an obviously big night for neighboring go-gos, Club Blu was less than half full with just 7 dancers working the rotation.

Walking Out on Soi Buakhao

Walking Street

Time it goes so fast
When you're having fun  

In the end, the tour was interesting, but not especially fun as only one drink in each venue was had — except at Champagne — and no lady drinks were purchased. A quick ride in a baht bus, however, found much more enjoyable options on Walking Street.


20th November   

Opening Bars Season...

More new bars
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Walking Street was jam packed on Friday night so one can confidently say that high season is with us.

And to take advantage of the seasonal crowds we have a few new bars set to open and re-open.

First A-GoGo on Soi 8 has now announced a re-opening on 27th November. It tried briefly as a sports bar in September but presumably that didn't pan out.

Another ex GoGo making a come back is Betty Boum on Soi Pattayaland 1 (Soi 13/3). This time it will open as a bar and club.

Redlite Club is taking shape on Walking Street opposite Soho Sqaure. Only the entrance is on show so hard to see what it will be as yet but the banners proclaim a Private Club. Back where I come from, a Private club is a tag for a brothel where customers don't get to see or meet other customers. They make the choice from a private parade of girls rather than from a communal bar area. Anyway it sounds interesting.

There's also some sort of what looks like an Insomnia clone club taking shape a few doors away.

There is also a new club opening on the first floor above the Nok beer bar complex towards the Beach Road end of Walking Street. Maybe a coyote bar.

There is still Alcatraz A-GoGo that won't be too long opening on Walking Street by Soi 15.

And Paris A-GoGo on Soi Diamond has now changed name and neon to Atlantis A-GoGo. They have also introduced stage shows, but perhaps early days, as reports have been somewhat underwhelming.


16th November   

A Cold Spell for Pattaya...

A spate of reported bar closures
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Pattaya at Night has reported that Motoroom on Walking Street failed as a coyote bar not long after opening. It was located above King's Cafe.

Also reported closed was Performance Bar, a beer bar on central Walking Street.

Further afield First's Lounge failed to get any customer interest for its rather daunting location at the back of a beer bar complex on Soi 8.

Also out on a limb was the Venus Lounge near the junction of 3rd Road and Pattaya Klang. It was a nicely done out short time bar but charged a little over the odds for a little over the hill female company.

There have been a couple of bar closures on Soi Post Office. The long running DeStar bar was dark at my last walk past as was the rather newer Charming Bar next door.

Meanwhile the police are continuing to ensure the closure of many more bars albeit just for an early night at 2am. Actually the 2am lights on closure means that bars start to wind down quite a bit ahead of the official closing time. Also it causes a bit of scrum for all bars to close at the same time and taxi users etc will drift away significantly earlier to avoid the rush. Customers generally seem reluctant to start drinking earlier so I guess that the early closing significantly cuts into bar related incomes.


15th November   

Scaling Down...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Gentlemen's Club
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Gentlemen's Club is located towards the middle of Soi Diamond.

The bar seems to have scaled down a bit over the last few months. On this particular occasion there were 10 dancers on duty, and this a few more than previous visits.

The bar has also scaled down the drinks prices too with a good sized glass of draft beer dropping from 85 Baht to 65 Baht.

The dancers were split into 2 teams. A slightly strange split, in that one team didn't take any clothes off between them. Given that they wear more than usual with slinky dresses, I thought this was a little out of order. The 2nd team were a little more daring though, and revealed a few suay assets.

The girls were a reasonable looking crew, perhaps slightly above average, but certainly not at the high levels a year or so ago.

There was not really much doing in terms of customer interaction, although one dancer was doing a good job and getting a few lady drinks for her efforts.

To be successful bars have to have either top notch girls for watching, or else have interactive girls to entertain the customers with chat or body language.

Gentlemen's Club wasn't really achieving much in either direction, so I suspect that the steady decline will continue.


14th November   

Temperature Rises...

Fahrenheit A-GoGo opens on Walking Street
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Fahrenheit A-GoGo has opened on the landward side of Walking Street, a couple of doors away from Soi 15.

Early reports suggest that it is a pretty standard affair that has yet to set Walking Street alight.

The GoGo is from the team that brought you Tiger and Shark, so probably means expensive drinks and barfines, but some pretty girls.

The GoGo count is now at 75 Pattaya area bars with girls dancing in bikinis or less.


11th November   

A Third Spin...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Carousel
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Carousel A-GoGo re-opened on Soi Diamond on 1st November 2010.

I popped in at around midnight and the bar was doing a very good trade. There were very few seats available, and those that were left, were crammed in small uncomfortable stools. So I gave it a miss and tried the next night at an earlier hour.

The outside of the bar now features lots of red, nicely highlighting the Carousel logo. A few brownie points for the designers are in order.

I found a more comfortable bench seat to survey the bar and sat down with a 59 baht draft, politely served by a guy. Male service never seems a good idea for the bar as it takes away an opportunity for lady drinks and tips. And from the customers point of view, service girls can be a good stand in for dancers, should there be too few dancers in the bar.

Anyway, the overall atmosphere of the bar was lively and the girls seemed to be having fun swarming around a generous newbie. Actually there weren't many other girls sitting with customers, so perhaps a negative point there.

The bar is pretty similar to what it was before the change of ownership. There were about 8 girls on stage plus of course the Carousel wooden horse. They were all slowly rotating, whilst dancing in bikinis or less (and just body paint for the horse). A pretty good selection of girls for the early days of a bar.

There was also a newly installed Jacuzzi with just one naked soaped up naked bather. Its not really well placed to be much of a spectacle for the majority of the bar though, but there are few stools with a poolside view.

For the moment the bar is lively and buoyed up with early days enthusiasm. There wasn't quite the sense of fun and boisterousness that suggests the bar will complete with the likes of Airport and Iron, but it made a good early impression.


10th November   

City Sinks without Trace...

Paris A-GoGo renamed
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Paris A-GoGo on Soi Diamond is renaming to Atlantis A-GoGo.

It's just a change of name, the management remains.

However there will be something new for the bar, with shows promised soon.


9th November   

Rising Temperature...

Openings on Walking Street
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The two new Walking Street GoGos seem to be making good progress. Fahrenheit is targeting Friday 12th November whilst Alcatraz looks set for a little bit later.

Meanwhile on Walking Street the Galaxy window has re-opened for East European dancers and for customers with cash to burn. So that puts the count of dancing bars up to 74, albeit including 3 with East European dancers that will never get a visit from this particular reviewer.

There's also coyote dancing in a street window for Motoroom, next door to Moulin Rouge, but again it looks like a bar for someone else to investigate. Who knows, it may even be number 75.


8th November   

Mostly Coyote...

Club Relaxxx A-GoGo takes over from Sin City
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Club Relaxxx has taken over at the ground floor venue in the Covent Garden Complex, Soi 16, that was previously Club Sin City.

The bar has undergone a rapid refit from Club Sin City A-GoGo to Middle Eastern night club and now back to A-GoGo.

There has been some refurbishment, notably to make better use of the previously unused space to the right when entering. Table dancing stages have been added in front of the new simple bench seating around the sides of the room. The bar now looks much bigger and the tables improve on the concrete cavern impression that existed before.

The bar had managed to secure a rather large cast of dancers for the opening few days. Perhaps down to the familiar faces in the manager and mamasang roles.

The girls were of a good Walking Street average but it was very disappointing to see that the table dancers were dressed closer to coyote than GoGo. They were wearing light shorts and a top.

There is still a traditional central GoGo stage though with most of the girls in bikinis and one token dancer in her birthday suit.

There is also a badly placed Jacuzzi with naked girls but no stage side seating.

There was a cheap draft beer.

The overall impression was a much more lively affair than the previous incarnation.

I'm not sure why the management have picked up on the idea of half coyote half gogo. It has proved a failure several times, including in this very same venue when Club Taboo failed with the same formula.


7th November   

Updated: Sin of Impetuousness...

Club Relaxxx A-GoGo to take over from Sin City
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Sin City is located on the ground floor of the Covent Garden Complex on Soi 16, a few paces off Walking Street.

Sin City is set to reappear as an A-GoGo on 6th November 2010. The mamasang on recruitment duty at the door said that it would be named Sin City A-GoGo, but a big new sign has appeared suggesting Club Relaxxx A-GoGo.

Update: Relax

And in fact it has been confirmed that the new venue will be called Club Relaxxx.

Some renovations have taken place since it was last an A-GoGo.

Update: Open

Club Relaxxx duly opened raising Pattaya's GoGo count to 73


4th November   

A Second Spin...

Another look at the newly re-opened Carousel A-GoGo
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Carousel A-GoGo re-opened on Soi Diamond on 1st November 2010.

Checked out carousel last night. Vodka was 130 Baht, not 120 as previously noted.

Owner is not the Happy/Peppermint group, as previously reported, but actually owned Super Models way back when. The main mamasan (there are 4!) worked for that owner, who has been out of the gogo biz since Supermodels fell off the runway.

Another mamasan most recently of Misty's was there with about 4 girls brought from there.

They did a nice spruce up. Looks more modern. They need more girls, but the mamas know, and are working at it.


3rd November   

A First Spin...

First details from the newly re-opened Carousel A-GoGo
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Carousel A-GoGo re-opened on Soi Diamond on 1st November 2010.

  • Draught Beer:B59
  • Soft Drinks:B69
  • Sprits:B120
  • Lady Drinks:B120
  • Bar Fine:B600

8 dancers, (almost half were topless and others wore bikinis, but a few dancers put on see through mini skirt), were dancing on the main slowly rotating stage.

2 ladies were taking a bath, and one naked lady was dancing on a small table stage.


2nd November   

Soi Buakhao on the Ascent...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Club Oasis
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Club Oasis is loacated on the corner of Soi Buakhao and Soi Chayaphun

The Soi Buakhao GoGos seem to be doing very well indeed. Probably doing better than many Walking Street bars in many ways.

Club Oasis generally seems to be operating a pretty full house and yet at the same time it doesn't employ that many ladies. The secret of the success seems to be that they attract a lot of people who are there for a drink with their mates and are not necessarily hunting for a stand-in friend for the night. They are content to enjoy the gogo bar as an attractive backlot whilst keeping their own company.

There are still a few girls to personally entertain customers who so desire though. All in all the bar must have one of the highest ratios of customers to girls in Pattaya GoGos.

As for the basics, there's usually a couple of dozen girls on duty with half dancing at any one time. Most are on the central stage and then there's usually a couple dancing on tables. About an average bunch of girls with the usual mixture of dress codes between bikinis and less.

In terms of competition with local bars, Oasis is now lagging behind Champagne in terms of range of entertainment and range of girls. But as there are more than enough customers to go around both bars, then the bar has no need to be slave to the competition game.


1st November   

What Goes Around, Comes Around...

Carousel set to re-open today
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Carousel A-GoGo is set to re-open today on Soi Diamond.

Its had a few dry runs in the last few days so all looks certain for the opening.

Pattaya's gogo count will therefore increase to 73.

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old Walking Street sign





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