Pattaya Nightlife News and Reviews

2009: November

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30th November   


Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Carousel
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Carousel is located on Soi Diamond

The decline seems to be continuing at Carousel with very little in the way of entertainment.

The bar organises the girls into two dancing shifts with quite a few girls on stage at a time. About half the girls were topless and the rest were bikini clad. Perhaps a little below the Walking Street mean, but there are still a few attractive girls.

The problems are more to do with a lack lustre atmosphere and girls that rarely show much interest in the customers.

Perhaps the bar could replace the male wait staff with girls, there may then be a little chance of interaction with the customers.

But in the meantime the bar seems to lack ideas.


29th November   

High Price Season...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: The Dollhouse
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The Dollhouse is located on Walking Street under Peppermint & Marine Disco

The Doll House has now made a  made where the bar was.

Draft beer is B50 but others drinks were up:

  • Bottled beer:B125
  • Cola:B95
  • Lady drink:B135.

After 1am: Vodka, Gin and Thai Whiskey are B59.

Bar Fine:B700 (everybody) but Long time Bar Fines on Fridays and Saturdays are B1000(everybody). Even Fridays and Saturdays, short time Bar Fine is B700.


28th November   

Opportunity Knocks...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Roxy
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Roxy is located on Walking Street in the vicinity of Hooty's, FLB, Insomnia and Tony's

With Polo closed as a show bar and with Angelwitch developing something of a reputation for hassle, then surely Roxy has a good chance to capture some of the trade for shows.

The bar has a much friendlier drinks price policy than Angelwitch and there are plenty of good looking girls participating in the shows.

Perhaps the shows are a little less impressive but the more easy going bar atmosphere makes up for the difference.

Hopefully the bar can therefore attract a few more show going customers. But it is not really the sort of bar for customers seeking company, the girls don't generally circulate the bar in search of lady drinks and the likes.


27th November   

Split Stage...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: New Star
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New Star is located on Soi Diamond

The stage is mow divided into 3, each one is less than 2 meters long. The first stage from the entrance is a play mat where one naked lady is dancing.

The center oval-shape stage is the smallest Jacuzzi in Pattaya. It has almost 6cm high wall. Of course there is no water but just foam and one naked lady is taking a foam bath.

The 3rd stage has 2 poles and 3 dancers.

Bar Fine, dancers are B600 but show girls are B700.


26th November   


Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Betty Boum
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Betty Boum is located on Pattayaland 1

They have 10 freelancing girls that are supposed to work there... but being Thailand.. there aren't many at any one time

The boss says that this will soon improve. He also says that he is opening a new bar in Jomtien soon.

The best dancer is a short girl with the nickname - Moon - Really nice girl in many ways. she is the youngest in the bar at 25. And the rest need a 10 week course of dancing lessons too.

The DJ is open to requests and they have got more music than just Dance tunes!


25th November   

Walking Street Rethink...

Snowice and Fantasy set to return after a break
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The recently opened coyote bar, Snowice, is already having a re-think.

The bar is currently closed and the workmen are in. The DJ of Nok bar beer complex who is working by the door of Snowice. said it will re-open in a week (around 1st Dec).

The lady in the Fantasy Bar said that Fantasy A-GoGo will re-open in near future.

But for the moment, there are 78 operating gogos in the Pattaya area.


23rd November   

Sudsy Bikini...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Super Girls
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Super Girls is located on Soi Diiamond

A quick look around the rapidly revealed that not much is changing in Super Girls.

There were still plenty of good looking girls coiffed up with Japan pleasing hair styles. They were dancing a long spell on the central stage followed by another song on a table dancing stage..

They were all dancing topless. But perhaps a subtle change is that the girls were smiling compare with rather blank faces that seem to have been mandated in the bar up until this visit.

A Jacuzzi has been installed in the bar a fair few months ago and I was fascinated by the pointlessness of this particular attraction. There were 3 girls partaking but there was no interaction between them. They were all simply doing an insipid dance as per the rest of the girls on stage. One may argue that the attraction is that the girls are naked but as far as I could see the girls were busy forming the soap suds into a replacement bikini bottom. Nothing to see of interest there then.

But as always, the bar seemed to be doing well with a decent amount of customers appreciating the pick 'n' go style of the bar.


17th November   

Pattaya Booming...

Baby Boom A-GoGo open for dry run baby making
Link Here is reporting that Baby Boom A-GoGo has opened on the small soi connecting Soi Buakhao and Soi XZyte.

There are now 79 GoGos operating Pattaya.


16th November   

More Bars...

Discos, coyotes and live rock
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There is a new disco taking shape above King Cafe on Walking Street opposite Soi 15. The banner proclaims HSPTL Club which Google notes as a Russian disco club.

There is also a forum posting about Club 66, described as a coyote bar with lady drinks set at 200 Baht. Why is that more clothes so closely correlates with expensive? (and often somewhat less than friendly customer care)

On Thursday the 19th of November Tattoo Bar, The 2nd Road North Pattaya live rock venue is having a closing party. The bar will be re-opening party soon at anew location by Tiffany


15th November   

Pattaya Booming...

Signs up for Baby Boom A-GoGo
Link Here

There is a report on Pattaya Secrets of a small new GoGo taking shape on a small Soi off Soi Buakhao opposite Sawasdee Hotel in the Soi LK Metro area.

A somewhat unlikely sounding name of Baby Boom A-GoGo in a somewhat unlikely location does make one wonder though.


14th November   

BJ Paradise...

Paradise returns and BJ sets reopening date
Link Here is reporting that Paradise A-GoGo has re-opened after a few days of closure.

Meanwhile the owner of BJ Club on Soi BJ has announced that the var is set to re-open on 15th November. There will also be the 1st anniversary party on Tuesday 24th November.

The GoGo count now creeps back to 78.


12th November   

Blu Blues...

Police raid Club Blu
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Club Blu, the coyote bar on Soi Buakhao, has been raided by police.

Farangs were asked to leave but the staff had to undergo drugs tests.


11th November   

Paradise Lost...

And Blue Lagoon Sinks
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Pattaya's GoGo bar count has taken another knock as both Blue Lagoon A-GoGo and Paradise A-GoGo haven't been operating for a few days.

The Blue Lagoon A-GoGo sign is still on but maybe pointing at the Blue Lagoon Beer Bar which is still operating in the Best Friend Complex on Beach Road.

Paradise has been dark for a couple of nights but people were milling around last night, but no dancing.

Hopefully temporary closures but not really sure at the moment.

In the meantime, Pattaya's GoGo count has dropped to 77.


10th November   

Play Stage...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Smile Girls
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Smile Girl's A-GoGo is located on Soi 15 next door to Club Misty's

Smile Girls A-GoGo recently had a quick re-fit. They have installed a Jacuzzi/play stage replacing part of the central dancing stage.

Perhaps even better, they have re-fitted some of the girls ensuring that there are now a few that are pleasing on the eye.

The very small size is surely very restrictive on the bar, as there is nowhere for a play area with ringside seating. I am sure the girls would be up for it. They seem quite hands on friendly.

The beer is still cheap albeit a smallish glass.

Anyway a good improvement at the moment. 


9th November   

More Comfy...

Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Sisterz
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Sisterz is located on Walking Street just opposite Soi Diamond

It's been a couple of months since a change of ownership so I thought it time to take another look.

The bar has installed more bench seating don the right hand side as you enter the bar. Surely a good idea and maybe feels a bit closer to the action than some of the existing rather remote seating.

There's been quite a few forum postings praising the bar and the attractiveness of the girls since the takeover. I'm not really sure that I concur. The bar has had a decent cast of girls for sometime and continues to do so. Not much has radically changed. The bar is still a show bar with lots of girls doing their stuff on various stages.

There is a shower cubical show, a play stage, a main stage packed with ladies and a carousel extension where bikinis are banned.

It seems a good bar for a watching the girls on show. It is not really so good for those seeking more personal interaction with the girls. Most of the girls are set dancing and few are left to circulate amongst the customers.

The bar has retained a competitively priced draft beer but other drinks have drifted up in price.


8th November   

Fantasy Proves a Fantasy...

Pattaya's smallest GoGo goes Dark
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Fantasy GoGo is located in the new Simon Beer Bar Complex on Walking Street opposite Soi 14.

Fantasy GoGo has already gone dark. I spotted a couple of dancers relocated to Cosy's A-GoGo.

I can't help but think that bar could have done with a couple of welcome girls on Walking Street.

Suddenly the GoGo count is back down to 79. 


6th November   

Short Time Passion...

Passion Dance Club closes temporarily on Soi 6
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Passion Dance Club is located towards the Beach Road end of Soi 6.

Passion only opened on 1st November but it has gone dark already. Maybe something of a Pattaya record.

The bar will be back soon though, they are on a recruiting drive and will be back in a few days as soon as they have got the numbers up.

So the Pattaya operating GoGo count as dropped back down to 80.


5th November   


Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Windmill and What's Up
Link Here

Windmill Club: Interacting

It's the bar I like the most for the moment.

It's worth having a draft beer (75 Baht) and watching the performance at the stages. They are quite interactive and enjoyable.

I hate the bars where girls just dance trying to be sexy (sometimes they don't succeed). In this bar, I even don't need to bother looking at the dancers, the girls interacting with the customers is all that is needed.

The performance at the Jacuzzi was a little poor; they were just having a shower, nothing hot.

A tip or a lady drink is required when the girls are 'interacting'.

What's Up A-GoGo: Jacuzzi Tips

The performance at the Jacuzzi is quite interactive and enjoyable. Although there is a girl, the pretty one who she thinks is the queen of the town and she is a bit rude.

They don't ask for a drink at the Jacuzzi, but a tip is very welcome. A 20 Baht note is enough, although you will need more than one tip if you continue.

The performance at the stage didn't interest me at all, just the Jacuzzi.

Beer Singha costs 115 Baht, a little expensive.


I stayed just a seconds because the environment was quite boring. Just a girl into the Jacuzzi and doing nothing. No performance, it didn't interest me at all.


I just got into for a while and got out because I don't see any performance any interesting. Only the typical dancers.


4th November   

Whatever Happened to Ruby?...

Ruby Club on Soi 6 gets a refit
Link Here

Ruby Club re-opened after a refit towards the end of October.

The basic change is that some of the area has been opened out into an outside terrace. There is still an indoor bar though.

There were several customers on the new terrace mostly watching sport on decent sized TVs. But not really what I am into, so I selected one of just 3 girls sitting outside and headed for the aircon.

The inside bar is a little disappointing. It used to have nice curvy bays of seating and a good feeling of being able to hide away a bit. The current layout is a regimented sequence of comfortable sofas arranged in several bays but all close together. They are all arranged to have a good view of the large screen sports TV.

Definitely more of a soulless sports bar than a short time bar.

My selected drinking partner would have been more at home as a sports bar waitress too. Clearly not into short time options. We didn't hit it off, so our bored gaze was soon drawn to whatever was on TV. I Soon finished the 75 Baht bottle of beer and headed off for somewhere a little less TV dominated.

But on the way out, the good number of customers reminded that other folks have other preferences and actually the bar seemed to be doing quite well.


3rd November   

Another Noisy Bar...

Cosy's: a new GoGo for Walking Street
Link Here

Cosy's A-GoGo has just opened up under Galaxy and opposite Soi BJ on central Walking Street

The bar was doing a good trade on its first day. It is intuitively a good location, and I suspect that it is quite advantageous to have a door opening directly on to Walking Street.

The bar is on the small side with a side stage for about 8 dancers.

There is a little bench seating opposite the stage, but most of the bar is given over to rather wobbly uncomfortable stools. There were a few more substantial stools at the back though. The bar has crammed in too many stools and it felt overly full even though most stools weren't taken.

I instantly dismissed the music as too dance oriented and too loud. The clear success of the noisy Air Port Club seems to be tempting all the new bars to follow the lead with heavy tunes and disco level noise.

I spotted one of my pretty friends on the dance floor but I wasn't tempted to wait as she was about 6 long dance songs off finishing. There were 7 girls dancing with just a couple taking their top off. There weren't really enough girls for the amount of customers, but this aspect soon changes if the bar is seen to be a success by the girls who will then sign up.

The beer was cheap with bottled Chang at 55 Baht.

But really on this visit, it was too crowded and too noisy to stay in bar with only standard gogo shuffling to watch.


2nd November   

First Impression...

Passion: a new GoGo for Soi 6
Link Here

Passion Dance Club is located towards the Beach Road end of Soi 6.

They say first impressions count, and mine was to trip up over a not very visible step at the front door.

But once safely inside, things soon looked up. The bar is a little smaller than Betty Boup opposite and is attractively decorated with a chrome theme. It is basically a square with comfortable bench seating around the walls. The square central stage is quite large and is set lower than most. There are stools with backs around the stage.

The music covers a fair range of genres but is basically there to be danced to. It is perhaps a little loud but it is after all, a dance club.

The girls made for a very impressive line up, probably about the best I've seen for an opening day. One of the advantages of running two bars is the flexibility to move girls around as needed.

There were only 2 or 3 girls dancing as most were occupied being hands-on friendly with the customers. Exactly as it ought to be. A quick look at the white board, showing plenty of barfines and the likes, suggest that this approach was working well.

The drinks prices are very customer friendly too.

With Cosy's A-GoGo opening on Walking Street, there are now 81 Pattaya bars with dancing girls in bikinis or less.

So a good first impression, apart from the doorstep that is.


1st November   


Pattaya GoGo Reviews: Gentlemen's Club
Link Here

Gentlemen's Club is located at the centre of Soi Diamond.

The bar has recently re-opened the upstairs floor complete with the almost inevitable Jacuzzi.

It has always been tricky to run a bar over 2 floors. Few people tend to go upstairs. I guess psychologically one will never venture up a strange set of stairs unless invited. I think it needs very clear signage to indicate what is upstairs and that it is currently open.

There were no clear messages from Gentlemen's Club staff or signs that there was entertainment upstairs. As far as I can gather it has limited opening hours too. I think that it opens at 10pm.

Anyway upstairs I was a little under whelmed. The Jacuzzi is one of those that is more of a dancing stage than anything. There are no ringside seats. But of course the bench seats are close enough for a good view of a show, but a show with no audience participation. There are also a couple of dancing podiums too.

There were 4 or 5 girls upstairs, and as you would expect for the bar, they were well attractive. But unfortunately they were all engaged by a party of customers at the other side of the bar.

It is always tough to make a small operation work in a GoGo, as there will often be too few girls for the customers, and equally often, too few customers for the girls.

On this occasion I had a lonely beer watching other people have fun. Not really my thing. But equally well, it could be the other way round next time.

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