Playboy founder dies aged 91
 | 30th September 2017
| From catholicnewsagency.com |
Hugh Hefner died on Wednesday, at the age of 91 at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles. His son Cooper Hefner, chief creative officer of Playboy Enterprises, said his father lived an exceptional and impactful life as a media and cultural pioneer and a
leading voice behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time in advocating free speech, civil rights, and sexual freedom. He defined a lifestyle and ethos that lie at the heart of the Playboy brand, one of the most
recognizable and enduring in history. Perhaps the impacfulness of Hefner can be gauged from comments from his opponents, the Catholic News Agency which writes: Christian leaders in the fight against pornography have called the death of Hugh
Hefner tragic, while reminding Catholics to take seriously the impact of Hefner's legacy on American culture. Alan Sears, founder of the misleadingly named Alliance Defending Freedom said: Nobody should ever
take joy in anybody's passing [...BUT...] There have been thousands of people praying for Hugh Hefner's conversion for years, and the saddest part to me of his passing, is that we see no evidence of conversion on his part. Apparently up to
the end, he took joy in this exploitation of women, of sexuality and all the other things that the secular media is lauding him for.
Offsite Article: Let's hear it for the Hef 30th September 2017. See article from spiked-online.com by Tim Black Hugh Hefner's commitment to liberty should be his lasting legacy.
Dublin brothel featuring the 32EE Passion Dolly looks to expand
 | 31st August 2017
| See article from
dailystar.co.uk |
A DUBLIN brothel leasing out a realistic sex doll has attracted hundreds of new customers...and now wants to expand worldwide. The star attraction Passion Dolly has whopping 32EE boobs and responds to human contact The Irish brothel made
headlines last month after posting an advert on Dublin.BackPage.com offering punters the chance to rent out a lifelike sex doll for £80-an-hour. Now, another month on, one of the owners told Daily Star Online the overwhelmingly positive response has
given them impetus to expand the business rapidly. One of the owners said: My idea is to expand the business to other cities and countries. Once we're more established in Dublin, we will try to expand throughout
Currently customers can visit eight stone Passion Dolly in one of the brothel's rooms for £80-an-hour or £40 per half hour. |
First sex robot goes on sale in the UK, no mention of any chance of test drive, but the doll can be seen at Liberation sex shop in London
 | 18th August 2017
| See article from dailystar.co.uk
See promotional videos from syntheaamatus.com |
This hyper-realistic sex robot filmed having an orgasm in a jaw-dropping video can now be bought for the first time. The human-like erotic cyborg, named Samantha, has been programmed with eight different modes: family, entertainment, analysis, sleep
and three sexy settings -- romantic, calm and nasty. For around £2,500 customers can buy their very own sex robot. Its creator, Dr Sergi Santos, from Barcelona, told Daily Star Online the experience of seeing Samantha climax will be surreal
and comparable, if not better, than human sex. After months of fine tuning, Dr Santos, a scientist and academic, has finally started selling his talking female androids through his robotics company, Synthea Amatus. Her brain memory is stored on an
SD card in a computer inside her head, which is attached to the voluptuous silicone body. Her body has pressure points, which are responsive to physical interaction and feedback to the brain. This means Samantha can tell when you're getting excited
because of penetration, speed and the way she got aroused Samantha can be seen at Liberation sex shop in Covent Garden. |
 | 17th August
| Naah... It's just an attempted scam See article from lifehacker.com.au
Germany passes new law requiring sex workers to register with their local authority
 | 4th July 2017
| See article from dw.com |
Germany has enacted a new prostitution law with more state control, more regulations and more penalties. It is going to become more difficult to make money as a sex worker in Germany. Prostitutes and brothels will now be subject to closer scrutiny under
a new law for the regulation of the prostitution industry and the protection of sex workers, which went into effect on July 1. According to the new law, sex workers must register with local authorities and seek a medical consultation from a public
health service. In the future, brothels or businesses that offer sex services will be required to apply for a permit that will only be granted if health, hygiene and room requirements are met. The new law prohibits flat-rate brothels and gang-bang
parties, in which a sex worker must service several men concurrently. Also, sex without a condom is prohibited. Furthermore, clients who knowingly make use of the services provided by people who have been forced into prostitution will be penalized.
The fear of registration is rampant in the industry. Panic is spreading, says Silvia Vorhauer, a counselor at Dortmund's Mitternachtsmission, an organization that helps women who have quit prostitution. Many women fear this change. They argue, I
cannot register and then get around with this ID. I'm going to have to quit. Vorhauer notes egistration at the local government office leads to the stigmatization and criminalization of women. This move is dangerous, she says, because prostitution may
then be forced underground into illegality.