Research shows that men who are attracted to ladyboys are much closer to heterosexual men than gays
 | 11th November
| See article from
science20.com |
Scientists who specialize in sex and sexuality tested a sample of men using a device that measures the reaction of a mans privates to various visual stimuli. Men who are attracted to transgender women were not turned on by porn featuring two gay men,
but they were turned on by porn featuring women only, and three kinds of shemale porn ( Man on Shemale , Shemale on Female , and Shemale on Shemale ). So a man who likes transgender women does not have
to be at least bisexual, or really gay but hiding it, or any such thing. In their study Hsu et al recruited men in search of NSA sexual activity off various websites (such as Craig's list). They had to fill out a
questionnaire about their sexual identities and histories as well as a psychological screening was done. Then using an electronic strain gauge changes in the circumference of their penises were measured. They were shown porn featuring the groups
mentioned earlier. There were 21 gay men, 21 straight men, and 21 men who are attracted to transwomen. (The term they use for people attracted to transwomen is gynandromorphophilic or a GAMP. A gynandromorph GAM is a biological male who through various
means is feminized.) Small sample size means this study can only be suggestive but not conclusive. The results show that in clear objective terms the reactions of the selected homosexual men were very different from the
heterosexual men or the GAMP's. Men who are attracted to transwomen are MUCH closer to heterosexual men in their anatomical response. ...Read the full
article from science20.com
Marie Clair survey reports that 1 in 3 women enjoying watching internet porn
 | 22nd October 2015
| See
article from dailymail.co.uk
See article from marieclaire.com |
Men aren't the only ones with a porn habit - as one in three women admit to watching X-rated videos at least once a week - and many say that they are using their cell phones to view it. British photographer Amanda de Cadenet teamed up with Marie
Claire magazine to create a comprehensive survey exploring modern women's relationships with porn - and the results indicate that the majority of female porn fans are viewing the erotic videos alone, for their own pleasure, rather than with a partner.
Out of the more than 3,000 women surveyed, 91% of the survey's respondents identify as female, 8% identify as men and 1% is transgender. And while 31% of them say they watch porn every week or so, 30% report viewing X-rated film at least a
few times a month. However, despite popular misconception, women aren't watching porn to appease their significant others. While 31% of people say they occasionally watch porn with their partners, only 3% say they do it regularly. As for
what women are watching, 63% say they enjoy heterosexual porn. And while 83% of respondents are straight, 44% say they gravitate towards lesbian porn and 31% say it's a mixed bag . |
Ludicrous academics launch a campaign against sex robots
 | 19th September 2015
| 17th September 2015. See article from morningticker.com See also
campaignagainstsexrobots.wordpress.com |
Although robots built for sex are not yet available to the public, the Campaign Against Sex Robots has already launched. The group believes that companies should cease developing sex robots with artificial intelligence on grounds of feminism.
Presumably the group fears that sex robots will somehow challenge the social control structures related to sex. The group has published its aims on its website:
- We believe the development of sex robots further objectifies women and children.
- The vision for sex robots is underscored by reference to prostitute-john exchange which relies on recognizing
only the needs and wants of the buyers of sex, the sellers of sex are not attributed subjectivity and reduced to a thing (just like the robot).
- The development of sex robots and the ideas to support their production
show the immense horrors still present in the world of prostitution which is built on the "perceived" inferiority of women and children and therefore justifies their uses as sex objects.
- We propose that the
development of sex robots will further reduce human empathy that can only be developed by an experience of mutual relationship.
- We challenge the view that the development of adults and child sex robots will have a
positive benefit to society, but instead further reinforce power relations of inequality and violence.
- We take issue with those arguments that propose that sex robots could help reduce sexual exploitation and
violence towards prostituted persons, pointing to all the evidence that shows how technology and the sex trade coexist and reinforce each other creating more demand for human bodies.
Engineers have long strove to make sex toys and dolls as life like as possible. Realistic looks and feels have been about as far as the manufactures have been able to come so far. In the last few years, however, the artificial intelligence technology
has opened a brave new world for sex toy innovation. Lead campaigner Kathleen Richardson, a robot anthropologist and [feminist] ethicist at De Montfort University in Leicester spouted: When I first started
looking into the subject I thought, 'oh sex robots, that's harmless and perhaps these robots would reduce demand for real women and children. But then as I researched the subject more I found that the opposite was true, that
rather than reduce the objectification of women, children and also men and transgender people, these robots would contribute and reinforce their position in society [as objects].
True Companion, a company which as been making sex
dolls for years and claims to have introduced the first sex robot- the Roxxxy. The company explained on its website and in statements: Roxxxy knows your likes and dislikes, carries on a discussion and expresses her
love to you and [can] be your loving friend. She can talk to you, listen to you, and feel your touch. She can even have an orgasm. Roxxxy provides physical and sexual pleasure but also provides social interaction and engagement
It's customizing technology to provide a perfect partner, she's not meant to replace a real partner but is meant as a supplement. As long as we're not hurting anyone, there's no problem with it.
Comment: Robert the sex robot 19th September 2015. From Sergio and phantom on the Melon Farmers Forum
A question or two for the anti-sex-robot feministas: a) is a dildo/vibrator a primitive form of sex robot? b) if so, are you prepared to disavow the use of them?
In truth, men
have no more interest in having sex with robots than they have in having sex with trees or a cup of tea. Meanwhile, women like the idea of pleasuring themselves with plastic objects. Men generally do not.
So, if the sale of sex aids is anything
to go by, sex robots are more likely to be called `Big John` than `Melinda`. So, dear feminists. Women may like vibrators. Feminists may like vibrators. It does therefore not follow that men like vibrating holes. By
publicly protesting against the latter you are merely broadcasting the former. And as for academic Kathleen Richardson, being a 'robot anthropologist' and 'ethicist'. Well anthropology is the study of humanity, so robots are
human, extreme feminists are ethical and 2 + 2 = 5! |
Rampant rabbit blamed for minor traffic shunt
 | 19th July 2015
| See article from
metro.co.uk |
A woman caused a minor traffic accident recently because she was pleasuring herself with a sex toy. The woman, described as being in her 30s, was reportedly driving her Mini when she suddenly lurched forward and shunted a stationary van. The
driver of the van later explained that it was his first day on the job and when he was later called into the company office, based in Cirencester, he feared he was about to be fired. However his bosses told him that he wasn't to blame as the
incident had been caught on CCTV, and that the film had caught something... interesting. Woman crashes her car while pleasuring herself with a sex toy. The CCTV footage apparently showed the woman exit her vehicle holding a pink Rampant Rabbit sex toy
and hurriedly doing up her trousers. |
Initial findings from UK research
 | 28th May 2015
| See article from
lancaster.ac.uk |
British women are paying for sexual services because they want great sex, are too busy for relationships or do not want to have a conventional relationship. These are the initial findings of a new study which has been launched into women who
buy sexual services. The study, led by Dr Sarah Kingston of Lancaster University, and co-led by Dr Natalie Hammond at Manchester Metropolitan University, will potentially be one of the most in-depth analyses of the subject ever undertaken in the
UK. Researchers have spoken to 21 escorts in the UK who are paid for their sexual services. Now they want to speak to their female clients to find out more about the experiences of women who pay for sex. Their early findings reveal that women who
pay for sex come from all backgrounds and ages, although there is a common trend that women are in their thirties and forties. Dr Kingston, a Lecturer in Criminology at Lancaster University, has research interests in the sex industry, policy and
law. She explained: We have made some fascinating early findings, but we still have much work to do. We are seeking to explore motivations and experiences of women who book escorts; who and where they buy sex from and
to explore how physical and sexual safety is negotiated. The study involves interviewing men, women, transgendered and transsexual people who sell sexual services to women, as well as women who purchase sexual services.
We still want to speak to women who buy sexual services. This will be completely confidential and they will not be identified in any way. Phone and Skype interviews have been popular so far, and we are flexible on methods. Speaking
directly with women will provide us with a valuable insight into how and why they engage in this activity.
The research team explained: Some of our participants say most of the women who buy sex are
professional people, some of whom may simply want pleasurable sexual experiences. Paying an escort is described as a way of ensuring discretion, as opposed to other ways of securing sexual encounters. In some instances women were
very specific about the services they required. This came across in some interviews with escorts who had one-to-one bookings with women. Escorts relay how women with specific requests email their expectations ahead of meeting. However, some women also pay for more than just sexual intercourse, they might go for a drink or meal with their chosen escort before progressing onto sexual contact, which some escorts describe as the 'boyfriend experience'.
It is also evident that women purchase sexual services as part of a couple. The majority of the escorts interviewed see couples, stating they are booked for regular excitement and fun, or simply for a relationship treat. In
couples, some men appeared more nervous than their female partner.
1st May 2015
Porn gets a bum rap. Nearly every discussion focuses on the negatives, not the positives. In my view, it's time for a more balanced, nuanced response to pornography. By Peter Tatchell See
article from ibtimes.co.uk |
Vibrating female condom promieses orgasms all round
 | 20th April 2015
| See article from
inquisitr.com |
A US company that manufactures condoms says it has developed a new wearable tech female condom equipped with a vibrating ring that is able to make a woman orgasm every time. According to IXu, LLC, the designers of the new product, explain
that, apart from providing protection from pregnancy and STDs, the new condom, called VA w.o.w, is a wireless, Bluetoooth-enabled product that has a heart or star-shaped vibrating sleeve or outer ring that helps to bring women to orgasm during sex.
The wireless-controlled vibrator nestles against the vulva, preventing the condom from being pushed deeper into the vagina, and stimulates the clitoris with a buzzing vibration. A study involving 50 participants, sponsored by the company, found
that 100% of female users had an orgasm by the fourth use. 70% of participants had an orgasm the first time they used VA w.o.w. About 84% had an orgasm by second use, and 100% by the fourth use. The company said it is waiting for the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) to formerly license its new VA w.o.w in the U.S., but the product will be available in the European market in the next 18 months. |
 | 12th February 2015
A couple explain the appeal of Japanese rope bondage See article
from independent.co.uk |
Teddy bear sex toy is a hit at the AVN Expo
 | 29th January 2015
| See article from
fusion.net |
One of the biggest hits at the recent AVN Expo in LAs Vegas was The Teddy Love. He's a bear affixed with a protruding tongue that vibrates at a high frequency when you press on its right ear. The Teddy Love has a very specific niche, it retails
for about a $100, and seems to intrigue everyone he meets. Toy developers Wendy Adams and Robert Harmon described it as a paradigm shift. Adams said: It's for men and women. You can leave it out in
plain sight. And you can cuddle with it. The best part about it is it doesn't have to come up for air.
After months of gestation, the Teddy Love was released in late December. More than 2,000 have been sold since, according to the
company. |