Adult Entertainment in USA

Miserable politicians vs adult entertainment

8th February

Update: Sad But Creative...

Kansas strip club dreams up idea to work round repressive state ban on nudity

The only proof necessary to realize that the intention of Missouri's new strip club law is to drive all clubs out of the state is the fact that it was drafted with the help of the Missouri/Kansas faction of the American Family Association.

A perfect illustration of the insidious and anti-American influence of this and other like-minded groups is the success they have had getting supposedly lethal laws like the strip club ordinances either passed or in motion in states like Missouri, Ohio and Kansas, as well as in counties and cities throughout the nation. These ordinances are generally similar, imposing restrictions on hours of operation, dress codes, and the amount of physical contact allowed between dancers and customers, if any, especially if alcohol is served.

But the Kansas City Star has reported that one club in the state, Bazooka's, is testing the limitations of the law in a very creative way, and thus far is not only getting away with it, but is creating very happy customers as a result.

Bazooka's, an adult entertainment venue in downtown Kansas City, now offers videos of its nude and seminude dancers on large, flat-screen televisions adjacent to the stage, the paper reported. While a dancer performs live with her intimate areas covered, as the law requires, a video of the same dancer---with those areas exposed---appears on the screens.

According to the club's owner, Dick Snow, the idea behind the videos is to meet the language of the law while still allowing the club to stay open after midnight, while also giving his clientele what they came for.

A spokesman for the Kansas City Police Department said the department had received no complaints about Bazooka's videos and said it did not appear that the establishment was violating any local or state laws, reported the Star.



Update: The Morality State...

Politicians make another attempt to repress adult entertainment in Kansas

Link Here26th February 2015
Full story: Adult Entertainment in USA...Miserable politicians vs adult entertainment
A Kansas morality bill that would establish repressive new zoning rules where strip clubs and DVD and sex toy and novelty stores could be located is being debated. Senate Bill 147 would initiate statewide zoning limiting where sexually oriented video stores, sexual device stores, adult arcades and strip clubs could be located.

Some of the main restrictions would forbid new sex toys and novelty stores and strip clubs from operating within 1,000 feet of schools, day cares, churches or libraries and prohibit the sale of alcohol.

The stores and clubs would be mandated to close at midnight with the bill, and operators would be forced to go through background checks to see if they have been convicted of certain criminal activities that are specified in the bill.

Editors as the Topeka Capital-Journal, however, are staunchly against the new bill saying:

The businesses serve a population, employ people and pay taxes. If there were no demand for them they would go out of business. Legislators have better things to do than pander to people who want their own moral outrage placed in the statute books.



Age discrimination...

Florida passes a miserable state law banning young adults from becoming strippers

Link Here22nd May 2024
Full story: Adult Entertainment in USA...Miserable politicians vs adult entertainment
A group of Florida-based strip clubs and adult entertainment venues is preparing to sue their state government for recently adopting a law that requires all performers to be at least 21 years old. Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the age discrimination law as House Bill (HB) 7063.

The bill enters force on July 1, 2024, so litigation is expected to be filed in the coming weeks. Bloomberg Law senior correspondent Chris Marr reports that attorneys in Fort Lauderdale are preparing to represent club owners and other venues to challenge the statewide law. HB 7063 broadly applies to strip clubs, burlesque shows, adult bookstores and other establishments considered legal adult entertainment under Florida obscenity statutes.

Angelina Spencer-Crisp, a public affairs professional who manages trade groups representing adult entertainment clubs nationwide and locally in Florida, told AVN that HB 7063 is a coordinated effort to limit freedoms for adults. She said:

They pass these laws ... saying that [human trafficking in clubs] is rampant. And, you see all these taglines in the news saying there is a correlation between strip clubs and trafficking. Am I telling you that it never happens? No, I am not saying that. But what I am saying is that based on the government's own data, it is less than 1 percent.

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