The only proof necessary to realize that the intention of Missouri's new strip club law is to drive all clubs out of the state is the fact that it was drafted with the help of the Missouri/Kansas faction of the American Family Association. A
perfect illustration of the insidious and anti-American influence of this and other like-minded groups is the success they have had getting supposedly lethal laws like the strip club ordinances either passed or in motion in states like Missouri, Ohio and
Kansas, as well as in counties and cities throughout the nation. These ordinances are generally similar, imposing restrictions on hours of operation, dress codes, and the amount of physical contact allowed between dancers and customers, if any,
especially if alcohol is served. But the Kansas City Star has reported that one club in the state, Bazooka's, is testing the limitations of the law in a very creative way, and thus far is not only getting away with it, but is creating very happy
customers as a result. Bazooka's, an adult entertainment venue in downtown Kansas City, now offers videos of its nude and seminude dancers on large, flat-screen televisions adjacent to the stage, the paper reported. While a dancer performs live
with her intimate areas covered, as the law requires, a video of the same dancer---with those areas exposed---appears on the screens. According to the club's owner, Dick Snow, the idea behind the videos is to meet the language of the law while
still allowing the club to stay open after midnight, while also giving his clientele what they came for. A spokesman for the Kansas City Police Department said the department had received no complaints about Bazooka's videos and said it did not
appear that the establishment was violating any local or state laws, reported the Star.